i must say that i don't use mathematica normally, some times years lapsed without using it until i buy a new pc, to see how much my new pc are speedy in calculating Pi to a million digits, and to a 10 million digits. but this may change after the new features.
mathematica v8.0.0 installation file size = 883 MB
i have checked the size of the installed mathematica on windows xp and it was 2,78 GB, and most of it is a documentation in the .nb file format. the main exe's are math.exe (158 KB), mathematica.exe (1.25 MB), MathKernel.exe (459 KB), Documentation files 1.49 GB,
systemFiles 1.25 GB, AddOns (33 MB), Configuration (107 kb).
before installing it on windows 7 (installed on another primary partition in the same pc) i have disabled the web connection.
after installation it askes for the register or register later so i choose register later, and it works (may be for 15 days).
the timings differ slightly but in practice it is approaching zero. the timings on all programming languages when dealing with less than milli seconds are not absolutly correct because many factors intervene here such as the operating system internal other actions. the 10^-17 seconds can be the result of time calculations algorithm and not the reality.
the same in windows 7 the mathematica size
2.78 GB, 17,073 files, 1,667 Folders
i have tried also Timing[N[Pi,10000000];] and it calculate it in 45 seconds. the ";" after N[Pi,10000000]; is to disable displaying the result which takes more time.
attached the picture from windows 7. i suggest if possible to try it, since it runs for may be 15 days without register.
the 1+1 before the calculations is to force the mathematica to launch its kernel, so the kernel will be available when using Timing.