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Thread: feedback + testing "inka3d" openGL

  1. #1
    Senior Member Lionheart008's Avatar
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    feedback + testing "inka3d" openGL

    Hello all. Here I show a little progress on my inka_3D OpenGL demo I've built last days.
    I am mixing glu/'s and that wasn't very hard to create (only a time question to include freeglut nurbs object in right order). I used my old amd notebook for project working.

    I would like to see some feedback about Framerate and perhaps some feedback about layout or something you like or don't like. Whole example was built only with powerbasic 9.05 and glu/freeglut include files.
    This example uses a sdk window frames with controls in it. the project is at early status quo, don't forget I am open for constructive critics if anybody really has fun to test it.. The scene has a little auto self rotation around y-axis.

    a) you can move scene by simple mouse moving.
    b) pageup/pagedown zooming some objects
    c) use left mouse for teapot rotation
    d) better to maximize the scene
    See also infos in textbox of entry picture with ironman2 I have made this one just for fun.

    zip file with project I add here too. Would be good to hear if you can see the Teapot and can rotate it in my scene. I programmed current project on win xp2. It's important if this exe file works on windows 7 too

    new edit: sorry, nurbs surfaces works on my machine at home, but caused an error on other pc's at the end or doesn't work with window 7, this error behaviour I have still to find

    thanks, frank
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    Last edited by Lionheart008; 10-12-2010 at 22:22. Reason: new version update
    you can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you might find, you get what you need

  2. #2
    Senior Member zak's Avatar
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    Hi Frank
    your program are working okay except the zoom with pgup pgdown are not working.
    i always appreciate displaying graphics inside a window, much better than a bare frame.
    what have you used for moving the scene by mouse? is it by using the glut glutPassiveMotionFunc or by using the windows wm_mousemove.
    there is no freeglut demos in the thinbasic forum, if you have managed in the future a way to use the freeglut dll from thinbasic such as drawing a line, cube else, this will be fantastic.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Lionheart008's Avatar
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    short: hi zak, thanks a lot for testing! It's possible to check this version (see my last post!) if zooming function with pageup/pagedown works ? I have still a little problem with my nurbs surface to fix this problem causes an error at the end of script. sorry. I am sure I find the solution next days.
    i always appreciate displaying graphics inside a window
    yes, it's possible in common ddt way but I will go another way with sdk window frame, it's longer but faster working .. but I haven't still manage to include openGL rendering into sdk window frame dialog. the normal way with ddt style (similar to canvas mode for thinbasic) is well known.

    nice evening, thanks, frank
    Last edited by Lionheart008; 10-12-2010 at 22:33.
    you can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you might find, you get what you need

  4. #4
    thinBasic MVPs kryton9's Avatar
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    Seems to be working fine here Frank. I am on win7.
    Acer Notebook: Win 10 Home 64 Bit, Core i7-4702MQ @ 2.2Ghz, 12 GB RAM, nVidia GTX 760M and Intel HD 4600
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  5. #5
    Senior Member zak's Avatar
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    Hi Frank
    your new file are working okay, also the zooming,
    then i return to recheck your old file and astonished that the zooming are working so i was giving a false report sorry, i may be under optical illusion while focusing my eyes on the teapot and ignoring the cubes.
    i am using windows xp

  6. #6
    Senior Member Lionheart008's Avatar
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    thanks for testing and feedback zak and kent. interesting thing that my notebook made other results than my home pc or at work. So I can suggest it's a lot of homework to do if you made an application for all platforms good to hear that this version run on windows 7 too. nice "snowy" week-end, more to come later (with nurbs surface and I hope so openGL rendering insinde sdk window frame I am on the right way this days..), thanks, frank
    you can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you might find, you get what you need

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