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Thread: creating DLL that imports OS DLL functions

  1. #1

    creating DLL that imports OS DLL functions

    Hello Charles,
    I'm still plugging along and trying different things with oxygen.

    Here I changed the chatter.dll to utilize the MessageBox Win32 function (instead of the build in print function)
     #file `chatter.dll`
    'dim as long user32 = LoadLibrary "user32.dll"
    'bind user32 (
    '  MessageBox    MessageBoxA    : @16
    declare function MessageBox lib `user32.dll` alias `MessageBoxA` (byval as long,
                byval as string, byval as string, byval as long) as long  
     class greeting alias `greeting` export
      method hello(n as string)
      method goodbye(n as string)
     end class
     methods of greeting
      method hello(n as string)
       print ` Hello ` n
      end method
      method goodbye(n as string)
       dim txt as string
       txt = ` Goodbye `
       'print ` Good bye ` n
       MessageBox(0, n, txt, 0)
      end method
     end methods 'of greeting
    But it crashes

    Here the code to use the chatter.dll
     class greeting lib `chatter.dll` alias `greeting`
       method hello(n as string) 
      method goodbye(n as string)
     end class
     dim g as greeting
     g.goodbye `moon`
     g.hello `earth`
    Is this a limitation of oxygen's alpha state?


  2. #2

    Re: creating DLL that imports OS DLL functions

    Hi efgee,

    I think this problem is specific to class libraries. I was able to use MessageBox within normal DLL
    exported functions, but not classes. I am giving this area a thorough workout.


  3. #3

    Re: creating DLL that imports OS DLL functions

    The solution was to declare the class library as extern. I have tweaked the syntax to remove unnecessary flags / directives. (link below).

    This pair should now work correctly. ThinBasic example in examples/OOP/ClassLibrary



    #file `chatter.dll`


    declare function MessageBox lib `user32.dll` alias `MessageBoxA` (byval as long,
    byval as string, byval as string, byval as long) as long

    class greeting export 'alias "greeting" export
    method hello(n as string)
    method goodbye(n as string)
    a as long
    end class

    methods of greeting

    method hello(n as string)
    print ` Hello ` n
    end method

    method goodbye(n as string)
    messagebox 0,n,"Goodbye",0
    end method

    end methods 'of greeting

    function foo (n as string) export
    messagebox 0,n,"ms",0
    end function

    end extern


    extern lib "chatter.dll"

    class greeting 'alias "greeting"
    method hello(n as string)
    method goodbye(n as string)
    a as long
    end class

    declare function foo(n as string)

    end extern

    dim g as greeting

    g.goodbye `moon`
    g.hello `earth`

    foo "Hi"


    Latest Oxygen

  4. #4

    Re: creating DLL that imports OS DLL functions

    works fine now.

    Thank you for your fast response

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