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Thread: How to use asciiz inside a class?

  1. #1

    How to use asciiz inside a class?

    Sorry to bother again...

    How can a asciiz be used inside a class method?

    Tried to return a string or a ascciiz but nothing seems to work.

    Outside of a class - no problem...


    Below some generic test code I used:

    ' asciiz2string.bas
    ' how to use asciiz inside a class
    ' as oop
    ' efgee
    ; =======
    ; imports
    ; =======
    dim as long kernel32 = LoadLibrary ("kernel32.dll")
    bind kernel32 (
      GetCommandLine GetCommandLineA  : @0
      GetModuleHandle GetModuleHandleA : @4
      ExitProcess   ExitProcess    : @4
    ; =========
    ; constants
    ; =========
    def true 1
    def false 0
    def fail -1
    ; =====
    ; CLASS
    ; =====
    class test
      static byref classcmdline as asciiz
      public method SetCmdLine()
        &this.classcmdline = GetCommandLine ()
        ; this prints out wrong!
        print this.classcmdline
      end method
      public method GetCmdLine() as string
        method = this.classcmdline
      end method
    end class
    ; =========
    ; variables 
    ; =========
    dim byref cmdline as asciiz, inst as long
    dim commandline as string
    dim p as test
    ; =====
    ; ENTRY
    ; =====
    ; normal way of doing it
    &cmdline = GetCommandLine ()
    ; printing works
    print cmdline
    ; get string value
    commandline = cmdline
    ; check if the string type contains the 
    ; correct value - works
    print commandline
    ; ----------------------------
    ; now do the same with a class
    ; load the string into the asciiz class member
    ; try to print it... crash!
    print p.GetCmdLine() ; buggy!
    freelibrary (kernel32)
    ExitProcess ()

  2. #2

    Re: How to use asciiz inside a class?

    Hi Efgee,

    Yes we have a pointer headache with Asciiz in methods. I was unable to fix it quickly so here is a solution using basic strings.

    I have included a mini header with some kernel32 functions.

    ' asciiz2string.bas
    ' how to use asciiz inside a class
    ' as oop
    ' efgee / charles


    ; =======
    ; imports
    ; =======

    extern lib "KERNEL32.DLL"

    declare FUNCTION AllocConsole ALIAS "AllocConsole" () AS LONG
    declare FUNCTION GetCommandLine ALIAS "GetCommandLineA" () AS DWORD
    declare FUNCTION GetStdHandle ALIAS "GetStdHandle" (BYVAL handle AS DWORD) AS DWORD
    declare FUNCTION WriteConsole ALIAS "WriteConsoleA" (BYVAL hConsoleOutput AS DWORD, lpBuffer AS ASCIIZ, BYVAL nNumberOfCharsToWrite AS LONG, lpNumberOfCharsWritten AS LONG, BYVAL lpReserved AS LONG) AS LONG
    declare FUNCTION ReadConsole ALIAS "ReadConsoleA" (BYVAL hConsoleInput AS DWORD, BYVAL lpBuffer AS DWORD, BYVAL nNumberOfCharsToRead AS LONG, lpNumberOfCharsRead AS LONG, pInputControl AS ANY) AS LONG
    declare FUNCTION SetConsoleTitle ALIAS "SetConsoleTitleA" (lpConsoleTitle AS ASCIIZ) AS LONG

    end extern

    ; =========
    ; constants
    ; =========
    def true 1
    def false 0
    def fail -1

    ; =====
    ; CLASS
    ; =====
    class test


    static classcmdline as string


    method SetCmdLine()
    zstring ptr z
    'print classcmdline
    end method

    method GetCmdLine() as string
    method = classcmdline
    end method
    end class

    ; =========
    ; variables
    ; =========

    dim p as test


    print p.GetCmdLine()



  3. #3

    Re: How to use asciiz inside a class?

    Hello Charles,
    your example works fine.

    It seems that the trick lies in having a asciiz variable locally (in a method) and storing it as string in a class variable (member) makes it accessible by another method.

    Thank you for all your hard work.


  4. #4

    Re: How to use asciiz inside a class?

    Hi efgee,

    Your original code should work but I have discovered a conspiracy of bugs preventing the correct referencing of an asciiz ptr member. I have caught two of them so far. One or two others remain hidden. I am glad you exposed the problem.


  5. #5

    Re: How to use asciiz inside a class?

    Anytime Charles, anytime...

    BTW Thank you for creating such a capable compiler and sharing it with us.

    Happy coding

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