UI: here I show a first demo of "playing around with Text edit field" demo
=> UI module: What's the purpose of these two text edit fields? Right side you can see some buttons for using. For this example you can type in and copy new text, see text cursors, mark and centre text, replace it, making undo and much more.
Feel free to use it, this little "edit/text" dialog tool isn't just perfect (two features are still missing), but nearly
I add example as bundle exe. If this example will be ready I will publish full thinbasic source code.
new edit: ps: first correction belongs to the word "editfield" (english) and not "editfeld" (german) as I have used. - > I will publish a german version too !
best regards, frank
(feedback is welcome)
you can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you might find, you get what you need