You could also do this.
"Classic PowerBASIC" (PB for Windows Version 8 ), is now, $49 (£31).
You could buy it now, then, you could buy PB 10 when it comes out.
£95 plus £31, is better than, £95 plus £62.
I don't think there can be much of a speed difference between PB 8 and PB 9.
(I don't know how you can get PB 9 for £95 ($149). On the web site, the price is £126 ($199). And, the upgrade price from PB 8, is £63 ($99). If true, then, PB 9, now, plus PB 10, later this year, might equal, £126 plus £63. PB 8, now, plus, PB 10, later this year, might equal, £31 plus £126. (However, PB 10 may be priced at $250 (£159), who knows? In that case, PB 9, now, plus PB 10, later this year, might equal, £126 plus £79. PB 8, now, plus, PB 10, later this year, might equal, £31 plus £159.))
In the other hand, if you just wait for PB 10, you will probably pay, £126 - £159, total.