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Thread: thinbasic Lionmodule :D

  1. #71
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    Re: thinbasic Lionmodule :D

    Hi Lionheart,

    i could to test your module with a game.
    do you have already 'Sprites'?
    do you have 'LoadSprite' and 'LoadBitmap','DrawSprite' ?
    it would be good, if you have some of this statements.
    that is necessary in order to write a good game.

    i could begin with a little Pacman at first.
    what do you say ?

  2. #72
    Senior Member Lionheart008's Avatar
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    Re: thinbasic Lionmodule :D

    hi peter,

    short reply: sounds good, but you may wait some days... this chapter with sprites or loading pictures will come the next time... cause there are still some difficulties / inconveniences between freebasic / thinbasic for this chapter I can remember, as I have tried it some weeks ago without success, but I check it for the next time.. I have more knowledge about compiling after four, five weeks I am sure, it' possible!

    could be also possible to integrate some asm codes... don't tried it before...

    i could to test your module with a game.
    do you have already 'Sprites'?
    do you have 'LoadSprite' and 'LoadBitmap','DrawSprite' ?
    thanks for asking, best regards, Lionheart
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  3. #73
    Super Moderator Petr Schreiber's Avatar
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    Re: thinbasic Lionmodule :D

    Hi Peter, Frank,

    one thing - Mike Hartlef just developed ton of quality sprite functions for TBGL (available in TB beta), I think doing another sprite system now could be little redundant. But of course - Frank is free to implement whatever he wants.

    Learn 3D graphics with ThinBASIC, learn TBGL!
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  4. #74
    thinBasic MVPs kryton9's Avatar
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    Re: thinbasic Lionmodule :D

    I played around with the new sprite module and it is really impressive, I definitely recommend giving it a try Peter.
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  5. #75
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    Re: thinbasic Lionmodule :D

    Hi Petr,

    i think that Lionheart would not compete, with the
    "Sprite system " from Mike Hartlef.
    This is only a challenge for him and his module.
    He wants to create his own System. He makes everything great !
    In this case, you can pick out with what you want to write.
    I am pretty curious on this thing !

    i cannot give a try, because i do have some problems with the Beta Version.
    Later i will try it.


  6. #76
    Senior Member Lionheart008's Avatar
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    Re: thinbasic Lionmodule :D

    hi all

    have made some new progresses belongs to "multikey" functions... thank you charles for new ideas ...

    a) I get the feedback from key inputs... so it might be possible one time to move the objects... how it be realized, I will find a way

    new commands:
    liongfx_multikey_lefty, 8,24
    liongfx_draw "liongfx"

    notice: "liongfx_draw" isn't just perfect... have got some strange behaviour...
    [code=thinbasic]'--- liongfx with paint and multikey 1a, 7.july.2009 by lionheart

    uses "liongfx", "console"

    dim t,i as double
    dim x,y as long
    dim up as long = 10
    dim lefty as long = 5
    dim righty as long = -6
    dim down as long = -4
    dim clr,blu,grn as integer

    liongfx_screen 15

    liongfx_PALETTE, i, clr,blu,grn

    Liongfx_circle 160, 100, 40, 14
    Liongfx_paint 160, 100, 1 , 14

    printl "yes, now with multikey up... " + liongfx_multikey_up,up,12

    Liongfx_circle 260, 120, 80, 15
    Liongfx_paint 260, 120, 2 , 15

    printl "yes, now with multikey down... " + liongfx_multikey_up,up,24

    Liongfx_circle 60, 40, 20, 13
    Liongfx_paint 60, 40, 4 , 13


    if liongfx_multikey_lefty, 12 and y < 350 then
    liongfx_multikey_lefty, lefty = -5
    end if

    liongfx_multikey_lefty, lefty
    printl "kuckuck lefty: " + liongfx_multikey_lefty, 8,24


    liongfx_multikey_righty, righty
    printl "hey righty " + liongfx_multikey_righty, righty,45
    liongfx_multikey_down, down
    printl "hey down " + liongfx_multikey_down, down
    liongfx_sleep 500

    t = timer
    loop until timer > t + 6[/code]

    uses keyboard inputs to see what happens.. take the ESC key to progress the scene

    b) not ready, but a preview... perhaps a way to get the sprite solutions...

    '-- liongfx: sprite problem to solve until end july by lionheart

    uses "liongfx", "console"

    liongfx_Screen 15, 16

    dim sprite, add1,alpha as long
    dim bf,b,x,y as long
    dim s as string
    dim i as integer

    add1 = 60
    alpha = 50

    liongfx_draw, "Hey!"

    liongfx_sprite, 64*64
    msgbox 0, "hey, this could be some day a sprite example " + liongfx_sprite, 32*32

    liongfx_ImageCreate 32, 32, 10,10,liongfx_rgb, 255,255,255 = liongfx_sprite,32*32 '- 32x32


    for i = 0 to 63
    liongfx_Line i, 10, i, 300, 255,50, i * 4, i * 4, i * 4
    liongfx_Line i + 128, 5, i + 128, 300, 55,255, i * 4, i * 4, i * 4
    liongfx_Line i + 256, 10, i + 256, 200, 155,55, i * 15, i * 15, i * 15
    Next i


    liongfx_Put, 0, 0 , liongfx_sprite,24*24, add1
    liongfx_Put, 32, 0, liongfx_sprite,24*24, alpha

    liongfx_Sleep 1000[/code]

    I am honest, there are some bigger problems to say a fine solution for freebasic compiling for thinbasic, but I will not mention it here.. I have to solve it

    best regards and sleep well, Lionheart
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  7. #77
    Senior Member Lionheart008's Avatar
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    Re: thinbasic Lionmodule :D

    hi all, hi charles...

    hmh... I go around and around in a circle but find no way out...

    I would like to have an image (liongfx_imagecreate) with put command (liongfx_put) and nothing happens! great... I am not sure, but it may concern the compiling handling from freebasic to thinbasic... I have done in my eyes everything right... but I can't see the desired picture...

    there are three, four commands with other handling like I wished from fb and I cannot transport it to thinbasic... at this moment... perhaps I find a way... everything is ok with creation of "lines" and "circles" separately, no problem, but if I want to create a little image with 100x100 and a rectangle or circle in it.. nothing happens...

    I test the scripts often with print or message box to see what kind of results I am getting don't know if anybody have had similar problems... but I am standing before a big wall and cannot see the wonderful blue water and bright sun shining behind it

    my example... it's running, but doing other things I wished

    [code=thinbasic]'-- testscript with feedback , 14.juli.2009 by lionheart

    uses "liongfx", "console"

    dim image1, img8, img32 as long
    dim i, y as integer

    dim s as string = "pipi langstrumpf watchs the clock: " + time$
    dim buffer as long

    liongfx_screen 14,32

    liongfx_circle 124,124,24,4
    liongfx_draw, buffer, "draw something beautiful here...(10,10)"
    printl "kuckuck, the sun is shining " '
    liongfx_draw, buffer, s
    liongfx_print "draw result: " + liongfx_draw, buffer, "draw a string with...(40,40)"

    msgbox 0, s
    liongfx_print "draw a string with..(100,100): " + liongfx_color,RGB(55,163,79)

    liongfx_imagecreate 100,100,10,0,0,0 = img32
    liongfx_PUT, 10, 10, img32,buffer

    liongfx_circle 50,50,liongfx_rgb, 255,0,0
    liongfx_print "put: " + liongfx_put, 100,100, buffer,img32

    liongfx_print "push a key to continue..."


    liongfx_screen 15,32

    for i = 0 to 80
    liongfx_Line i, 0, i, 300, rnd(255),50, i * 4, i * 4, i * 4
    liongfx_Line i + 128, 5, i + 128, 350, 55,255, i * 4, i * 4, i * 4
    liongfx_Line i + 256, 10, i + 256, 250, 155,55, i * 15, i * 15, i * 15
    next i

    liongfx_get, 0,0, 100
    liongfx_put, 100,100, buffer,img32

    liongfx_sleep 1500

    I am not frustrated, I wonder only why these three, four commands doing in some way other things... I like to have...

    I cannot say it's a kind of fun coding, but it won't hurt me

    @charles: perhaps you know such problems from freebasic while working on your oxygen compiling ?

    good evening, best regards, lionheart

    ps: last edit for charles.. .I have tried it again, the problems belong to the freebasic side, I am sure
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  8. #78
    Senior Member Lionheart008's Avatar
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    Re: thinbasic Lionmodule :D

    hi everybody,

    one more from the "u2" and "zztop" road and of course some powder of thinbasic liongfx

    a) have played around again with plasma structures... ( four examples for the start) and I had to test it again.. for a newer update of liongfx dll because there were some irregularities from the freebasic side... uff...

    [code=thinbasic]'Plasma-like effect with liongfx, 22.juli.2009
    uses "liongfx", "console"

    Dim T1, T2 As QUAD
    Dim w,h As Double

    randomize timer


    liongfx_Screen 17,32
    liongfx_windowtitle "plasma playing again: 2 "

    Dim x,y,page As Double
    Dim c,t As Double
    dim z as long = 2*gettickcount*(sin(timer)*12
    dim p as long

    T1 = HiResTimer_Get
    For x = 0 To w
    For y = 0 To h

    liongfx_PSet (x,y,Rgb(Sin(c)*64+128*z,Cos(c)*64+128,Cos(-c/2)*64+12 )


    liongfx_PSet (x,y,Rgb(Cos(c)*32+128+z,4*rnd*Cos(c)*32+128+z,log(-c/2)*64+128+z) )
    printl " liongfx meets plasma " + int(rnd(1)*400), "batgirl is watching you! " + int(rnd(1)*400)


    T2 = HiResTimer_Get
    MSGBOX 0, "Elapsed time in microseconds: " & format$((t2-t1)/1000000, "#.000") '- (t2-t1)/1000000
    sleep 5000


    b) a simple random script I added in the zip folder too...

    [code=thinbasic]'- testscript for rnd and lines after rebuilding liongfx , 22.july.2009
    uses "liongfx","console"

    dim first as double
    dim last as double
    dim b, i as long

    Randomize Timer

    msgbox 0, "good night mr. hulk " + rnd_range(first,last)

    printl "yep tennis: " + rnd(1,2009)

    printl "yep soccer solo " + rnd(11)
    liongfx_print "yep soccer correct " + rnd(11)
    printl "yep soccer due " + rnd(1,12)

    printl "yep golf " + rnd(1,255)
    liongfx_print "yo golfer correct: " + rnd(40,120)

    printl "yep waterskiing " + rnd(1,24)
    liongfx_print "doppy! " + rnd_range(first, last)

    function rnd_range (byref first as double, byval last as double) as double
    'first = 100
    'last = 101

    function = rnd(last - first) + first
    end function

    liongfx_print "all is ok with this random script? - push any key to continue "


    liongfx_Screen 14

    liongfx_Line 10,10, 100,100, 100,255,100,4, 12

    for i = 20 to 319
    liongfx_Line 20, 20, 300, 180, 255+i,100,50,2, 4
    liongfx_Line 140, 80, 180+i, 120,255,100,50, 15, b
    liongfx_Line - 200, 200+i, 255,100, 50, 25,100+i, 15, 4

    next i

    liongfx_print "push a key to end me"

    last edit at 23:20 pm: I add a new picture (green, last one) with a certain glass effect, isn't it ?

    good evening, no more words, have fun with the examples or/and feel free to test it, lionheart

    PS: welcome to the big summertime hole, I see there is not a lot of action at the board at this moment...
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  9. #79
    thinBasic MVPs kryton9's Avatar
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    Re: thinbasic Lionmodule :D

    Those are some really cool effects and screenshots Frank. Keep up the cool work!
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