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Thread: ThinAir problem in last release

  1. #11
    thinBasic MVPs Michael Hartlef's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
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    Re: ThinAir problem in last release

    Now it hit me too! :-\

  2. #12
    thinBasic MVPs Michael Hartlef's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
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    Re: ThinAir problem in last release

    Arrgggh, nothing works right in thinAir anymore. Used the standard editor too. It happend when I try to save a new source created from a template.

    And I wanted to test my new zone commands. :'( Well gotta wait till this is fixed.

  3. #13
    Super Moderator Petr Schreiber's Avatar
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    Aug 2005
    Brno - Czech Republic
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    Re: ThinAir problem in last release

    My only solution is to use Scintilla,

    on other side it does not feature Undo, Search is not working too (yet) ... so it needs lot of concentration and mental powers

    Learn 3D graphics with ThinBASIC, learn TBGL!
    Windows 10 64bit - Intel Core i5-3350P @ 3.1GHz - 16 GB RAM - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4GB

  4. #14
    thinBasic MVPs Michael Hartlef's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
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    Re: ThinAir problem in last release

    Ok, still GPF's when I open a new template. Btw. Standard Editor!

    Here is the tracelog:

    10-23-2008 15:27:53 Trace log flag enabled
    10-23-2008 15:27:56 Close frame window 2622526
    10-23-2008 15:27:56 Save Setting to ini Entry
    10-23-2008 15:27:56 Resetting position from-4,-4 to-4,-4
    10-23-2008 15:27:56 Resetting size from 1292,878 to 1292,878
    10-23-2008 15:27:57 Save Setting to ini Exit
    10-23-2008 15:27:57 Quit
    10-23-2008 15:27:57 Help unitialized
    10-23-2008 15:27:57 Library unloaded
    10-23-2008 15:27:57 *-----------------------------------Exit program with 20-----------------------------------*
    10-23-2008 15:27:59 Program entry, version
    10-23-2008 15:27:59 Loaded address 0x00460EAA
    10-23-2008 15:27:59 Requested stack size 0x00100000
    10-23-2008 15:27:59 Stack pointer 0x0012FD68
    10-23-2008 15:27:59 Stack base pointer 0x0012FF00
    10-23-2008 15:27:59 Running on Windows XP Build 2600 (Service Pack 2)
    10-23-2008 15:27:59 Load library
    10-23-2008 15:27:59 Load setting from ini Entry
    10-23-2008 15:27:59 Load setting from ini exit
    10-23-2008 15:27:59 Settings loaded from e:\thinbasic\thinair\thinairdat.ini
    10-23-2008 15:27:59 IDE Path = e:\thinbasic\thinair\
    10-23-2008 15:27:59 Option Save Workspace = 1
    10-23-2008 15:27:59 Option Position X,Y =-4,-4
    10-23-2008 15:27:59 Option Size X,Y = 1292,878
    10-23-2008 15:27:59 Using Standard edit control
    10-23-2008 15:27:59 Loading keywords from files
    10-23-2008 15:27:59 Loaded 4261 keywords from .\Syntax\BASKeyWords.txt
    10-23-2008 15:27:59 Reallocated 4261 BASIC kyewords
    10-23-2008 15:27:59 Loaded 232 keywords from .\Syntax\HTMLKeyWords.txt
    10-23-2008 15:27:59 Reallocated 232 HTML kyewords
    10-23-2008 15:27:59 Loaded 108 keywords from .\Syntax\RCKeyWords.txt
    10-23-2008 15:27:59 Reallocated 108 RC kyewords
    10-23-2008 15:27:59 Loaded 315 keywords from .\Syntax\ASMKeyWords.txt
    10-23-2008 15:27:59 Reallocated 315 ASM kyewords
    10-23-2008 15:27:59 Frame Create Entry
    10-23-2008 15:27:59 Get recent files Entry
    10-23-2008 15:27:59 Get recent files Exit 1
    10-23-2008 15:27:59 Recent files loaded from e:\thinbasic\thinair\thinair.ini
    10-23-2008 15:27:59 Get recent projects Entry
    10-23-2008 15:27:59 Get recent projects Exit 0
    10-23-2008 15:27:59 Recent projects loaded from e:\thinbasic\thinair\thinair.ini
    10-23-2008 15:27:59 Frame Create exit
    10-23-2008 15:27:59 Created frame window : 2688062
    10-23-2008 15:27:59 Help initialized
    10-23-2008 15:28:05 Child Create Entry 1181308
    10-23-2008 15:28:05 Edit Create Entry 1508996
    10-23-2008 15:28:05 Edit Create Exit 1508996
    10-23-2008 15:28:05 Child Create exit 1181308

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