Thanks for coming and hopefully adding to this forum.

To keep things organized here are some suggestions:

If you have a version, mod or any item for tankwars, please make your own thread.
But only one thread named with your name or username.
Put all your posts related to your versions there.

It would be nice if you could put the latest version of what you mod, create or add too, in the first post.
That is your first post will always have the newest version of whatever content you create.

If you can name your content in the following manner it will help in not overwriting other versions by other authors.


This version number is specific and relative to your versions.

So here is a quick overview in outline form, let us use Eros as the author for his version:

Forum: TBGL nmg_tankwars
New Post:Subject: ErosOlmi
His first post:Subject: nmg_tankwars_erosolmi_v1.0
This post will always contain the latest version of his created item
All subsequent posts will be in relation to Eros's version and what he is doing or has done.

Let me know if you guys have any other ideas or adjustments you think would help.