Big thanks Kent.
Can I add this script to official thinBasic distribution?
Just 3 notes on this source:
- better to use app_sourcepath instead of DIR_GetCurrent. DIR_GetCurrent can return a path different from the script path.
- at the end
DIALOG END %formLinkedListHelper
should be
DIALOG END hDlg- DIALOG NEW PIXELS , 0, "Linked List Helper", 0, 0, 192, 366, %WS_SYSMENU, %formLinkedListHelper TO hDlg
I do not understand the use of %formLinkedListHelper. In that position there is the dialog extended style attribute. A dialog as no ID like a control. I think %formLinkedListHelper can be removed from the script.
Again a big big thanks for the examples you are posting. Very nice, well written, clever.
I like your commenting style