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Thread: TopDown Places

  1. #1
    Super Moderator Petr Schreiber's Avatar
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    TopDown Places

    Here is a list of planned game locations as extracted from other thread:


    Marc’s homeHis room


    New Berlin Space AcademyOffice

    Flight simulator

    Luna Transports Coorp.Office

    Shuttle Bay

    Spaceport M15Intercom bridge

    Luna bar

    UWFSS AntiguaThe Bridge

    Fighter bay

    Rest rooms

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  2. #2
    Senior Member catventure's Avatar
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    Re: TopDown places

    It's beginning to sound like a map for a text adventure
    Characters and Locations etc....

    Coming soon... "TopDown - The Text Adventure" ?

    catventure - Home Of The ThinBasic Adventure Builder Project. (Interactive Fiction/Text Adventure Maker)

  3. #3
    Super Moderator Petr Schreiber's Avatar
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    Re: TopDown Places

    The immediate mode is relatively simple but "the game" needs some background to not became just another shooter.
    This could make TopDown really unique I think


    P.S. TopDown as text adventure ... now it seems something hard to believe while it is action based game.
    But on other side, if we will make "TopDown" universe, why not ? It could cover all the details you could miss in action, and also make it closer for more "thinking" based player and/or players with old PCs.

    Maybe challenge for Catventure ? :P Your TAB is really powerfull stuff, I must laugh to myself when I was offering advice on this topic to you when you came on forums. My text adventure creator is so poor comparing to TAB I am embarassed, really !
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  4. #4
    Super Moderator Petr Schreiber's Avatar
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    Re: TopDown Places

    Regarding TopDown places...

    I think we should make each place with some memorable and typical parts.
    For example take New Berlin. It would be nice to have contrast in the series.

    Current TopDown - shiny modern city, center of business and space flights.
    In TopDown sequel you could come back here, the city would look the same except it would be partially destoryed, anarchy everywhere... But you could still see in it the old good city you started from.


    Learn 3D graphics with ThinBASIC, learn TBGL!
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  5. #5
    Senior Member catventure's Avatar
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    Re: TopDown Places

    Hey Petr,

    I would never have got as far as I have with TAB without your ideas and advices! Many times I have been stuck with coding problems and you have quickly come up with solution. I'm particularly impressed with your solving the "enter" key problem!

    Believe it or not a "Sims" fan actually made a text adventure of "The Sims" using my previous textadv creator, and used graphic shots from the actual games as location pics!!!
    I found out it still available for download at:!

    Its 28mb (due to bitmap files etc)

    It actually had a devoted forum and sparked many replies:

    Since it written with my old adventure creator (16-bit) in 2001 might not work on some machines...

    There's lots of old Infocom/Inform/Level9 text adventures about space quests and space heros. Given a plot and storyline I probably could come up with something for a TopDown text adventure using TAB (with/without graphics)

    catventure. - Home Of The ThinBasic Adventure Builder Project. (Interactive Fiction/Text Adventure Maker)

  6. #6
    Super Moderator Petr Schreiber's Avatar
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    Re: TopDown Places

    That would be terrific!,

    you know maybe some another story thread related to main story, which would meet the TopDown story in some important points.
    I was thinking about our main character friends story for the text series - to not replicate the story twice, but to offer something new from eyes of different person...

    Learn 3D graphics with ThinBASIC, learn TBGL!
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  7. #7
    Senior Member catventure's Avatar
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    Re: TopDown Places

    Hi Psch,

    Yeah... one scenario is the hero crashlands on a planet and is stranded there ; the adventure could be about exploration and discovery of the strange world's mysteries and inhabitants?
    Not wishing to hijack this thread with text adventuring talk though - but is an idea to think on...

    catventure - Home Of The ThinBasic Adventure Builder Project. (Interactive Fiction/Text Adventure Maker)

  8. #8
    Super Moderator Petr Schreiber's Avatar
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    Re: TopDown Places

    Hi Catventure,

    thanks for your ideas, inventing stories is not an hijack
    Only "condition" for new story would be some connection with the main story.

    What about the TAB version hero being kidnapped by the enemies from TopDown 3D to their mother planet.
    So he would have lot of time to escape, check out this strange civilisation and planet and he could find somethingTM, which would be criticall to know to solve problem with enemies. This guy would then appear/be saved in TopDown3D ][: Down and dirty with this secret message which can solve this galactic war ...

    And by solve I mean not ultimate gun which would kill all aliens and their womans, old and babies , I would like to have some clean and mysterious solution, which would have some "but" leading to new situation in next parts in series... ;D


    P.S. Maybe we should move to the "Story" thread
    P.P.S. Thanks for the Sims link, this is something I must check out !
    Learn 3D graphics with ThinBASIC, learn TBGL!
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  9. #9
    thinBasic MVPs kryton9's Avatar
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    Re: TopDown Places

    Wow lots of neat ideas here. Yes a text based adventure that is parallel to TopDown3d action game sounds like a great idea.
    I don't know if you guys watched Star Trek Deep Space Nine. But they had lots of cool side stories, Dr Bashir as his holographic adventure as a Spy like the 1960's spy films, Then there was that secret spy organization of the federation's, I forgot its name, something like level 13 or level 31 I think.

    Anyways this sort of story based on the universe but a totally different character that fills in more aspects of the goings on would be terrific. I am really excited you are joining in catventure!!

    Petr I liked you story of the abduction, escape, and intelligence gathering. The fact that the main character could be a secret agent from our world makes sense. Our government would have agents all over and why not at the frontier. Where the pirates and explorers are. Our agent is kidnapped before any of our stuff happens, maybe 6 months to a year earlier.

    He could even be one of the passengers that our hero transports from station to station later on. This would be after the agent's escape and way back home. But in our story we would not about him other than he is a passenger on a flight and we might see the agent's name on the passenger list and that is all, so a nice easter egg in the game.
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  10. #10
    Super Moderator Petr Schreiber's Avatar
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    Re: TopDown Places

    Hi kryton9,

    good easter egg idea

    catventure, I am not able to download the text Sims, because FilePlanet seems to want me to pay
    The dicussion is interesting, there are also some scary stories like:
    I had a guinie pig, but all my sims got sick from him and nearly died.

    Learn 3D graphics with ThinBASIC, learn TBGL!
    Windows 10 64bit - Intel Core i5-3350P @ 3.1GHz - 16 GB RAM - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4GB

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