Not completely aware where to find the correct thread for current beta

I have two issues that seem to cause strange bugs, message mostly

Error 400: Subscript out of range in array or matrix

What happens i can't understand exactly - it seems to occur with


for REPEAT-UNTIL i can not confirm - seems not affected.
Also the mixed Do While - LOOP appears free of that behaviour

In few words - a variable (the counter used by FOR NEXT) is inside the loop with a value that is not just out of bounds - but out of predefined range
as the range says like

"from incl. 1 to incl. 12"

FOR i = 1 to 12
someArray(i)= 12 ' THIS LINE BUGS OUT COMPLAINING ELEMENT 0 of someArray() does not exist

but how the heck can variable i have the value of zero?

You can test thinbasic\Sample files \UI\zbff
still not fixed:

complaining about one endif more then if and refuses to launch anything once the not real existing bug was detected
Then Hourglass (spinning circle/ busy- mousepointer appears, memory usage goes way above exorbitant values
( as taskmanager displays 1.2 GB and more)
thinAir fades to gray and will never recover - after a while displaying "NOT RESPONDING" on titlebar the operating system
already pretty lags and relaunches the explorer-task what seems to kill the thinAir-thread. Sadly this happens without any
previous sign of warning and appears to be a result of the syntax-highlighter when it has infinite ways to parse - like having
a regular expression that allows a greedy pattern to short circuit back to a previous line on innocent looking whitespace since
\t, \x09 and \x20 ($TAB, $SPC) are not restricted to a mandatory direction nor is there any policy that would force the parser
to absolve matches strictly from top to bottom . confusing and quickly happens when the editor that is used to write the search
patterns does not have also a lexer that would highlight the regular expressions itself and within many hundred anyway hard to
differ characters some parens, question marks and an accidently misplaced char can toggle multiline parsing mode quickly into
single-line-mode and the lexer cannot pass by \r and \n or \x0D and \x0A - or theirs order was interchanged and any \s - so
harmless appearing whitespace - matches all of them. if you have them together inbetween a pair of [ ] the parser might see
ways to go where one never thought of: most of the newer regex is aware of it and has built-in limits how often it may use an
unlimited shortcut back to a previous position but if you would use the vbscript-flavor or even elder MS regex then exactly such
infinite searches are to fear and i had already many texteditors and IDE's that suffered from crashes - even the editor itself was
not bad and i always felt sad for the developers theirs masterpieces ended up no more used - abandoned - discontinued when it
was obviously not their fault that some 3rd party feature lead to surrender-...

Dimension 1 should be between 1 and 12.
Current value: Thursday morning 32°C
