Quote Originally Posted by DirectuX View Post

sSFile = Dialog_OpenFile(hDlg, "Source file", DIR_GetCurrent, "All Files (*.*)|*.*" , "*", %OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST)
sDpath = Dialog_BrowseForFolder(hDlg, "Destination folder", DIR_GetCurrent, %TRUE) & FILE_PathSplit(sSFile, %Path_FileExt)

  mbresult = MsgBox 0, sSFile & $crlf & "will be copied to" & $crlf & sDpath, %MB_OKCANCEL

  if mbresult <> %IDOK Then
    MsgBox 0, "Aborting demo"
runs well in thinAir, but when in thinDebug, it stops on an error :

I tried and here it seems working fine
Only problem I saw is that Dialog_BrowseForFolder function seems not adding a trailing "\"

Maybe copy/paste problem from web page?

I will try to check what is causing that copy/paste problem, maybe a unicode char is inserted like end of line or end of paragraph