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Thread: Spiky Dumples

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  1. #1

    Spiky Dumples

    while searching an old 3d models i have found a strange *.obj model it looks like a spherical dumples with spikes. also it reminds me of the virus-19 but with two heads, don't scare please
    i have converted it to *.M15 thinbasic model using TBGL_OBJ2M15 utility
    i have used Petr code in this thread
    i have added only the coloring of vertices and adjusted the camera
    the code below needs the spikey.m15 model attached below together with the spikey.obj
    Uses "TBGL"
    Function TBMain()
      DWord hWnd = TBGL_CreateWindowEx("something spiky -  ESC to quit", 640, 480, 32, %TBGL_WS_WINDOWED)      
      'String modelFile = "simple_house.m15" 
      String modelFile = "spiky.m15"
      TBGL_m15LoadModel ModelFile, "", 1, 1, %TBGL_NORMAL_PRECISE
      Dim light As TBGL_TVECTOR3D           
      TBGL_UseLighting TRUE
      TBGL_UseLightSource %GL_LIGHT0, TRUE
      TBGL_SetupLightSource %GL_LIGHT0, light.x, light.y, light.z, 32, 32, 32, 255
      Dim center As TBGL_TVECTOR3D
      center = GetModelCenter(1) 
      'msgbox 0, str$(center)
      While TBGL_IsWindow(hWnd)     
          'TBGL_Camera 0, 20, 60,
           '           0,  0,  0
          TBGL_Camera 0, 0, 1.5,
                      0,  0,  0                
            TBGL_Rotate GetTickCount/10, 0, 1, 0            ' -- Turn model
            TBGL_Translate -center.x, -center.y, -center.z  ' -- Center the rotation
            TBGL_m15DrawModel 1
        If TBGL_GetWindowKeyState( hWnd, %VK_ESCAPE ) Then Exit While
    End Function
    Function GetModelCenter( modelId As Long ) As String ' -- Hack to return TYPEs
      Long i, vtx
      Single x,y,z
      vtx = TBGL_m15GetModelVertexcount(modelId)
      Single minx, miny, minz =  99999   
      Single maxx, maxy, maxz = -99999
      Dim center As TBGL_TVECTOR3D
      For i = 1 To vtx
        TBGL_m15GetVertexXYZ(modelId, i, x, y, z)
        TBGL_m15SetVertexRGB( 1, i, 240,237,132)
        maxx = Max(x, maxx)
        minx = Min(x, minx)
        maxy = Max(y, maxy)
        miny = Min(y, miny)
        maxz = Max(z, maxz)
        minz = Min(z, minz)    
      center.x = minx + (maxx - minx) / 2.0
      center.y = miny + (maxy - miny) / 2.0
      center.z = minz + (maxz - minz) / 2.0 
      Return center
    End Function
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