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Thread: AppConfig, new feature in thinBASIC 1.10.5

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    Super Moderator Petr Schreiber's Avatar
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    Lightbulb AppConfig, new feature in thinBASIC 1.10.5

    ThinBASIC is a script interpreter - however, its specific set of features enables it to step out from the world of neat console utilities to the realm of small apps with graphical user interface.

    This particular type of use will benefit from the addition of new feature related to application configuration.

    Even before 1.10.5, we had multiple ways how to approach application configuration:
    - custom config format
    - using INI file
    - if you were ambitious, using XML and the built in functionality related to it

    These approaches have a few issues with varying impact.

    Custom formats are not standard and hard to navigate for your users. INI file handling is pretty simple, however it also limits the way your are able to structure of your data, as it allows just key-value pairs, organised in sections. Custom parsing of XML is possible with thinBASIC, but the code becomes pretty verbose.

    And you don't want to write two screens of code just to load config values, do you?

    Standardizing the application configuration

    ThinBASIC version 1.10.5 introduces a concept named directly AppConfig. It allows you to load configuration data from a XML file.

    It sets the boundaries for how the configuration file can look like, and how it should be manipulated. All of that thanks to nifty AppConfig module.

    Configuration file format
    The configuration file is an XML with few mandatory features:

    It must be a valid XML
    Obvious, but worth mentioning. Later I will mention how to check the validity.

    It must contain AppConfig tag at root level
    This is a way to standardize the format, allowing ThinBASIC to rely on root tag name.

    Example of valid config file
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    Loading the configuration

    Oh my, that will be a hell of a parsing, right?

    Right the opposite. Eros managed to grab the main benefit of XML - ability to store any, even binary, data and married it with easy way to reach the data via intuitive slash notation we are used to from a file system.


    The AppConfig above can be loaded via single line:
    uses "appConfig"
    dim config as new cAppConfig("config.xml")
    You can see you need to use appConfig module and create new object of type cAppConfig, which takes config file name as input.

    Then, you should check for the validity of the input format. Checking for errors is a question of few lines:
    if config.errorPresent then
      msgBox 0, config.errorDescription, %MB_ICONERROR, "Configuration error, #" + config.errorCode
    end if
    This will prevent the app from running, should there be some error, while displaying human readable reason of the problem.

    To reach the data, you can use the getKey method of the configuration object:
    long screenWidth  = config.getKey("ScreenResolution\Width")
    long screenHeight = config.getKey("ScreenResolution\Height")
    long screenDepth  = config.getKey("ScreenResolution\BitDepth")
    string licenseKey = config.getKey ("License\Key")
    msgbox 0, strFormat$("{1}x{2} at {3}bits, license key: {4}", screenWidth,

    This was cool, gimme more!

    cAppConfig has an excellent documentation, just hit F1 while on cAppConfig in thinAir, and help file will teleport you to the right section of the help file.

    For more complex example than in this article, please open SampleScript/AppConfig/AppConfig_test.tBasic script and feel free to examine and modify.
    Last edited by Petr Schreiber; 17-10-2018 at 20:45.
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