testing the forum 3d mandelbrot set example in thinbasic with some variations, it is excelent. but trying the same (almost) in PB 9 result in a confusing status
Mandel3D thinbasic example: display 3d mandel set and it will also save the set as points so we can view the points in meshlab as xyz model.
Read_3D_Points TB example: will read the dataXYZ.xyz file produced by the Mandel3D and display it quickly.
Read_3D_Points.Bas : will read the dataXYZ.xyz file produced by the Thinbasic first example
note if we used leng = calcleng2(x,y,z) it will display the Set okay, but use leng = calcleng(x,y,z) and it will display it as spherical
can't believe since the 2 subs is the same, arn't the vars inside the subs protected and local ? why it works in thinbasic excellently
Mandel3D.bas: in PB in line 137 if we use leng = calcleng(x,y,z) it will display spherical shape. but if we use instead leng = calcleng2(x,y,z) which is the same but changing the variables names, it will display the set as if it is compressed