Advent of Code is a much healthier alternative to advent calendar.
0% chocolate, 100% code.
You are offered new code challenge each day, till Xmas.
This is an excellent opportunity to get better in algorithmic thinking as well as in mastering thinBASIC!
For me, it is also an opportunity to compare thinBASIC to other languages to identify possible weak points we can work on in future.
It is fun and you will reach Xmas not few kilos heavier (as advent calendar can do), but few IQ points smarter instead. Let's play with it
Official Advent of Code challenge page: http://adventofcode.com/2017
My GitHub (in progress)
- with thinBASIC solutions: https://github.com/petrSchreiber/adv...2017-thinbasic
- with Python 3 solutions: https://github.com/petrSchreiber/adv...e-2017-python3 (to see what other interpreters offer... and we can steal )