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Thread: Mesh creation in irrlicht

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    Mesh creation in irrlicht

    trying to mimic example 15 of IrrlichtWrapper for freebasic , look the wrapper here
    my problem is : can't connect all the pyramid vertices with lines, i am aware that arrays in thinbasic begins with 1, i have changed all the vertices and indices to begin with 1.
    to try the example download the wrapper for thinbasic from here look example and save the code below in it. attached also the freebasic code
    note that in freebasic there is:
    DIM indices(0 to 17) as ushort
    i have tried in TB UInt16, long, dword, word
    to let it display only the vertices (as big smooth points) uncomment:
    IrrSetNodeMaterialFlag( PyramidNode, %IRR_EMF_POINTCLOUD, 1 )
    and comment:
    IrrSetNodeMaterialFlag( PyramidNode, %IRR_EMF_WIREFRAME, 1 )

    #Include "%app_includepath%\"
    #Include "%app_includepath%\"
    #Include "" 
    Uses "console"
    '' global variables
    Dim xx,yy,zz As Long
    ' irrlicht objects
    Dim PyramidNode As irr_node 
    Dim Pyramid As irr_mesh
    Dim OurCamera As irr_camera
    ' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' start the irrlicht interface 
    IrrStart( %IRR_EDT_OPENGL, 800, 600, %IRR_BITS_PER_PIXEL_32, %IRR_WINDOWED, _ '200
    ' send the window caption
    IrrSetWindowCaption(  Ucode$("Example 15: Create a custom mesh"))
    Dim verts(5) As IRR_VERT
    Dim indices(18) As DWord 'UInt16
    ' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' set up five vertices to define the points of a pyramid. the vertices have
    ' many properties that need to be set up to properly define the structure
    verts(1).x = -10 : verts(1).y = 0 : verts(1).z = -10
    verts(2).x = -10 : verts(2).y = 0 : verts(2).z = 10
    verts(3).x = 10 :  verts(3).y = 0 : verts(3).z = 10
    verts(4).x = 10 :  verts(4).y = 0 : verts(4).z = -10
    verts(5).x = 0 :   verts(5).y = 20:verts(5).z = 0
    ' each of the vertices can be assigned a colour to tint the texture, in this
    ' case we use white
    verts(1).vcolor = &H000000FF 
    verts(2).vcolor = &H000000FF
    verts(3).vcolor = &H00FF0000
    verts(4).vcolor = &H00007D00
    verts(5).vcolor = &H00007D00
    ' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' create the faces, this is an array of indices referencing the vectors they
    ' are collected into groups of three each defining a triangle in the mesh
    indices(1) = 1 : indices(2) = 2 : indices(3) = 5
    indices(4) = 2 : indices(5) = 3 : indices(6) = 5
    indices(7) = 3 : indices(8) = 4 : indices(9) = 5
    indices(10) = 4 : indices(11) = 1 : indices(12) = 5
    indices(13) = 3 : indices(14) = 2 : indices(15) = 1
    indices(16) = 1 : indices(17) = 4 : indices(18) = 3
    ' create the mesh from the array of vertices and indices
    Pyramid = IrrCreateMesh( "TestMesh", 5, verts(1), 18, indices(1))
    PyramidNode = IrrAddMeshToScene( Pyramid )
    ' switch off lighting effects on this node
    IrrSetNodeMaterialFlag( PyramidNode, %IRR_EMF_LIGHTING, %IRR_OFF )
    IrrSetNodeMaterialFlag( PyramidNode, %IRR_EMF_WIREFRAME, 1 )
    'IrrSetNodeMaterialFlag( PyramidNode, %IRR_EMF_POINTCLOUD, 1 )
    IrrSetNodeMaterialFlag( PyramidNode, %IRR_EMF_BACK_FACE_CULLING, 0 )
    IrrSetNodeScale( PyramidNode, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 )
    IrrSetNodePosition( PyramidNode, -8,-3,0)
    ' add a camera into the scene 
    OurCamera = IrrAddCamera( 0,25,-29, 0,0,0 )
    'IrrSetNodePosition( OurCamera, 30,20,25)
    IrrSetCameraTarget(OurCamera, 0,0,0)
    ' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' while the irrlicht environment is still running
    While IrrRunning
        'IrrSetNodeRotation( PyramidNode, xx, yy, zz )
        ' begin the scene, erasing the canvas with sky-blue before rendering
        IrrBeginScene( 240, 255, 255 )
        ' draw the scene
        ' end drawing the scene and render it
    ' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' Stop the irrlicht engine and release resources
    the freebasic code:
    '' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    '' Irrlicht Wrapper for Imperative Languages - Freebasic Examples
    '' Frank Dodd (2006)
    '' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    '' Example 15 : Custom Mesh
    '' This example creates a pyramid mesh that is set up ready to be textured
    '' it then adds the mesh as a new node and applies a material to it
    '' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    '' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    '' Includes for extension libraries
    #include ""
    '' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    '' global variables
    ' irrlicht objects
    DIM Mesh as irr_mesh
    DIM MeshTexture as irr_texture
    DIM SceneNode as irr_node
    DIM OurCamera as irr_camera
    '' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    '' GDB debugger main() function
    ' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' start the irrlicht interface
    IrrStart( IRR_EDT_OPENGL, 400, 400, IRR_BITS_PER_PIXEL_32, _
    ' set the window caption
    IrrSetWindowCaption( "Example 15: Create a custom mesh" )
    ' a mesh is created from an array of types called vertices that define a point
    ' in space. and an array of indices to these vertices that are grouped into
    ' threes to create triangles that form the mesh
    DIM verts(0 to 4) as IRR_VERT
    DIM indices(0 to 17) as ushort
    ' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' set up five vertices to define the points of a pyramid. the vertices have
    ' many properties that need to be set up to properly define the structure
    verts(0).x = -10 : verts(0).y = 0 : verts(0).z = -10
    verts(1).x = -10 : verts(1).y = 0 : verts(1).z = 10
    verts(2).x = 10 : verts(2).y = 0 : verts(2).z = 10
    verts(3).x = 10 : verts(3).y = 0 : verts(3).z = -10
    verts(4).x = 0 : verts(4).y = 20 : verts(4).z = 0
    ' the co-ordinates across a texture run from 0 to 1 so we place each of the
    ' vertices on this texture plane to appear as if the pyramid was painted from
    ' its bottom up
    verts(0).texture_x = 0 : verts(0).texture_y = 0
    verts(1).texture_x = 0 : verts(1).texture_y = 1
    verts(2).texture_x = 1 : verts(2).texture_y = 1
    verts(3).texture_x = 1 : verts(3).texture_y = 0
    verts(4).texture_x = 0.5 : verts(4).texture_y = 0.5
    ' each of the vertices can be assigned a colour to tint the texture, in this
    ' case we use white
    verts(0).vcolor = &h00FFFFFF
    verts(1).vcolor = &h00FFFFFF
    verts(2).vcolor = &h00FFFFFF
    verts(3).vcolor = &h00FFFFFF
    verts(4).vcolor = &h00FFFFFF
    ' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' create the faces, this is an array of indices referencing the vectors they
    ' are collected into groups of three each defining a triangle in the mesh
    indices(0) = 0 : indices(1) = 1 : indices(2) = 4
    indices(3) = 1 : indices(4) = 2 : indices(5) = 4
    indices(6) = 2 : indices(7) = 3 : indices(8) = 4
    indices(9) = 3 : indices(10) = 0 : indices(11) = 4
    indices(12) = 2 : indices(13) = 1 : indices(14) = 0
    indices(15) = 0 : indices(16) = 3 : indices(17) = 2
    ' create the mesh from the array of vertices and indices
    Mesh = IrrCreateMesh( "TestMesh", 5, verts(0), 18, indices(0))
    ' load texture resource for texturing the nodes
    MeshTexture = IrrGetTexture( "./media/texture.jpg" )
    ' add the mesh to the scene a couple of times
    SceneNode = IrrAddMeshToScene( Mesh )
    ' apply a material to the node
    IrrSetNodeMaterialTexture( SceneNode, MeshTexture, 0 )
    ' switch off lighting effects on this node
    IrrSetNodeMaterialFlag( SceneNode, IRR_EMF_LIGHTING, IRR_OFF )
    ' add a camera into the scene and resposition it to look at the pyramid
    OurCamera = IrrAddFPSCamera( IRR_NO_OBJECT, 100.0f, 0.1f )
    IrrSetNodePosition( OurCamera, 30,50,25)
    IrrSetCameraTarget(OurCamera, 0,0,0)
    ' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' while the irrlicht environment is still running
    WHILE IrrRunning
        ' begin the scene, erasing the canvas with sky-blue before rendering
        IrrBeginScene( 64, 96, 96 )
        ' draw the scene
        ' end drawing the scene and render it
    ' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' Stop the irrlicht engine and release resources
    Last edited by primo; 30-10-2017 at 10:56.

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