Thanks to Primo's test of my test noise dll, it brought up an important issue of different types.
In studying Ken Perlin's code, he uses floats, doubles, integers. Since I am adapting his code for thinBasic's use,
I need your input Petr on what types all things should be so that I can make them compatible with TBGL.
I do already see that you need to add a tbgl_trgbaf type or similar, so that floating point color values can be used. And if doubles supported, then will need to add a type for that. Up to you, I will write the code for dll accordingly to keep things uniform.
So in essence, what should I use. For instance, I don't see int32 in the help but you had mentioned it before?:
Perlin TBGL Use Double Double Single? Float Single Single? Int Long ? uint dword ?