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Thread: Xors3D engine

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    Xors3D engine

    Xors3D is an abandonware graphics engine, speedy and good, but does not have enough docs. it needs directX 9 to works. download Directx 9 directx_Jun2010_redist.exe from microsoft
    now the story: while checking my very old external hard disk i have found xors3d files examples and includes for powerbasic made by user in PB forum , most likely i have downloaded it from xors3d forum, now closed and its dev is stopped.
    if you want to give it a try, download the engine (60 Mega) from here
    and then download the powerbasic files (attached), i have added other examples (box_of_points)+(starry_box) .
    save the attached "powerbasic" folder to the xors3d installation in this place \Samples\Source\
    so \Samples\Source\ will now have these folders:
    Blitz3D, BlitzMax, C++, Media, PowerBasic
    all examples works. the purpose to save at this place because some examples uses the textures, models from this engine.

    now i want to try it for thinbasic. in the i have changed parameters number to num.
    in file now the problem of 350 lines something like this:
    IF ISMISSING(pred) THEN Local_pred = 255 ELSE Local_pred = pred

    i have changed all these 350 lines to something like this
    Local_pred = IIF( ISMISSING(pred) ,255,pred)
    using a 3 regular expressions using notepad++
    another problem is the function ISMISSING . and i don't know how to implement it, so i have created an empty ISMISSING function to do nothing
    it works with some examples such as the attached box_of_points.tbasic but not with examples starry_with_cube.tbasic : it display the 2 cubes and the big one should be textured with a drawing to a texture. while the equivalent powerbasic example starry_box.bas works as should be. so what should we do with this ISMISSING function ?

    there are good examples about xors3d for bitz3D here:
    i have adapted from it the example starry_box

    don't forget to download the full xors3d from here as explained above
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by primo; 01-09-2018 at 10:09.

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