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Thread: about Replace$

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  1. #1

    about Replace$

    suppose i have a text file in which its words should be separated by one space only, and i don't want some one to cheat by inserting other spaces, i know there is a regular expression solution for such cases, but i prefer a ready to use functions
    this is my approach using a string instead of a file, it seems to work, other solutions is appreciated.
    also why the text in the TextBox selected ?
    Uses "UI"
      Begin ControlID
      End ControlID
      Function TBMain()  
        Dim hDlg, i As Long 
        Dim stringo As String
        stringo = "Goto          (goto , GOTO                    , GO TO or other case       combinations, depending on    the programming language) is a    statement found in many computer        programming languages. It performs a one-way transfer   of control to another line of code" 
        For i=1 To 100
        stringo = Replace$(stringo, "  ", " ")
        If InStr(1, Stringo, "  ") = 0 Then
        Exit For
        End If
        'msgbox 0, str$(i)
        Dialog New 0, "replace many spaces to one space", -1, -1, 500, 400, _
                                                      %WS_DLGFRAME Or %DS_CENTER Or %WS_CAPTION Or %WS_SYSMENU, _
                                                      0 To hDlg
        Control Add Textbox , hDlg, %ID_TextBox2, "test" , 5,  25, 450, 310,  %ES_WANTRETURN  Or _
                                                                              %ES_MULTILINE   Or _
                                                                              %ES_AUTOVSCROLL Or _ 
    Control Append Text hDlg, %ID_TextBox2, $CRLF & stringo & $CRLF     
        '---Show dialog in MODAL
        Dialog Show Modal hDlg, Call dlgCallback
      End Function
      CallBack Function dlgCallback() As Long
        Select Case CBMSG
          Case %WM_CLOSE
        End Select 
      End Function
    this is a better solution:
    For i=1 To 100
        stringo = Replace$(stringo, "  ", " ")
        If InStr(1, Stringo, "  ") = 0 Then
        Exit For
        End If
        stringo = Replace$(stringo, "  ", " ")
        Until InStr(1, Stringo, "  ") = 0
    Last edited by primo; 23-12-2016 at 08:48.

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