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Thread: SwiftCommunication - UDP without struggle

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  1. #1
    Super Moderator Petr Schreiber's Avatar
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    Lightbulb SwiftCommunication - UDP without struggle


    those who find UDP communication a bit mysterious might learn something by trying my simple wrappers.

    SwiftServer - type for handling servers
    SwiftClient - type for handling clients

    Full source code attached, you can launch one server and multiple clients, watching their chit chat

    Here examples of main application code, to demonstrate the ease of use:

    Uses "UI"
    #INCLUDE Once "SwiftServer.tbasicu"
    ' -- ID numbers of controls
    Begin ControlID
    End ControlID    
    Begin Const
      %MAIN_WIDTH   = 640
      %MAIN_HEIGHT  = 240
    End Const
    Function TBMain()
      UInt32 hDlg
      Dialog New Pixels, 0, "Server",-1,-1, %MAIN_WIDTH, %MAIN_HEIGHT, %WS_POPUP | %WS_VISIBLE | %WS_CAPTION | %WS_SYSMENU | %WS_MINIMIZEBOX To hDlg
      Control Add Textbox, hDlg, %tbMessages, "", 5, 5, %MAIN_WIDTH-10, %MAIN_HEIGHT-40, %ES_AUTOHSCROLL | %ES_AUTOVSCROLL | %ES_LEFT | %WS_BORDER | %WS_TABSTOP | %ES_MULTILINE  
      Control Add Button, Name "CloseButton", hDlg, %bClose, "Click to close", %MAIN_WIDTH-105, %MAIN_HEIGHT-30, 100, 25
      Dialog Show Modal hDlg, Call cbDialog
    End Function
    ' -- Callback for dialog
    CallBack Function cbDialog()
      Select Case CBMSG
        Case %WM_INITDIALOG
          Global server As SwiftServer(CBHNDL, 5000)
        Case server.MessageEvent
          If server.CanHandleMessage(CBLPARAM) Then
            String message = Trim$(server.TryReceive())+$CRLF 
            If Len(message) Then
              Control Appendtotop Text CBHNDL, %tbMessages, server.GetClientIP + ":" + server.GetClientPort + " " + message
            End If  
          End If
      End Select
    End Function 
    CallBack Function CloseButton_OnClick()
      Dialog End CBHNDL
    End Function
    Uses "Console"
    #INCLUDE Once "SwiftClient.tbasicu"
    Function TBMain()
      Dim c As SwiftClient(5001, 5010)
      c.SetServer(INET_IpToNumber(""), 5000)
      Console_SetTitle("Client running at " + c.Port)
      String reply
      Long counter
      c.TrySend("Hi, I am client")
        reply = c.TryReceive()
        If Len(reply) = 0 Then Exit Do
        Incr counter
        c.TrySend("Ciao signore #" + counter)
        Print "."
        Sleep 1000
      PrintL "Server did not ACK :'("
      PrintL "Press any key to quit..."
    End Function

    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by Petr Schreiber; 04-05-2016 at 23:30.
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