I have some problems with classic tokenizer. It does not stop at the end. Does the End of the String not count as EOL automatic?
Make sure the last line of this example is a comment.
' #Filename "test_TokenizerFinished.tBasicU"
Uses "console", "tokenizer"
' --------------------------------------------------------------------
Function TBMain()
' --------------------------------------------------------------------
' init tokenizer:
Tokenizer_Default_Char("#", %TOKENIZER_DEFAULT_ALPHA)
Tokenizer_Default_Char("$", %TOKENIZER_DEFAULT_ALPHA)
Tokenizer_Default_Char("%", %TOKENIZER_DEFAULT_ALPHA)
Tokenizer_Default_Char(".", %TOKENIZER_DEFAULT_DELIM)
PrintL test(Load_File(APP_SourceFullName))
PrintL "done. Key to end"
End Function
' --------------------------------------------------------------------
Function test(ByVal sCode As String) As String
' --------------------------------------------------------------------
' usually this function scans for a ' #Filename "name.tBasic[U]"
' the situation was similar,
' within the script to test there was no
' #filename found in my project.
' i simply replaced the token to search for by a dummy
Local sToken As String
Local lPos, lMain, lSafe As Long
lPos = 1
Do ' Until lPos >= StrPtrLen(StrPtr(sCode))
' would solve the situation
lSafe = lPos ' trap Error
Tokenizer_GetNextToken(sCode, lPos, lMain, sToken)
PrintL "Token " & sToken
' this would solve the situation but discards last token:
' If lPos > StrPtrLen(StrPtr(sCode)) Then
' EndIf
Select Case lMain
PrintL "no dummy found"
Exit Do
PrintL "token-error"
lPos = lSafe
Tokenizer_MoveToEol(sCode, lPos)
Print "delimiter "
If sToken = "'" Then
Tokenizer_GetNextToken(sCode, lPos, lMain, sToken)
PrintL "' " & sToken
If Ucase$(sToken) = "#DUMMY" Then
' no its not so I omit this...
Tokenizer_MoveToEol(sCode, lPos)
' at the end of sCode lPos should be higher than Len(sCode)
' and if requesting a lPos higher than Len(sCode)
' lMain should hold %Tokenizer_Finished
PrintL "EOL"
Case Else
PrintL "move to EOL"
Tokenizer_MoveToEol(sCode, lPos)
End Select
Function = "none found"
PrintL "End test()"
End Function
' comment in the end !
' comment in the end !
' comment in the end of the code to test!
Weird guessing:
I know that i request more tokens after finding the '-delimter and send to EOL.
There's no EOL in the end i guess??? Does it always return to EOL of the previous line?
If not- shouldn't lMain hold %Tokenizer_Finished in the next loop
if lPos > Strptrlen(strptr(sCode)) then?