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Thread: [preview] thinICE

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  1. #1
    thinBasic MVPs
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    Oct 2012
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    [preview] thinICE


    Inconvenient Coding Environment
    thinBasic written in thinBasic


    Default it creates a new, empty script because there was none to load...
    The filename to save you can write somewhere into the script as a comment like
    ' #FILENAME "myScript.tBasic"
    then right-click into codefield to choose actions as "Save as ...".

    If you want to include more files, just write something like
    #Include "myNewUnit.tBasicU"
    and Tokenize again (CTRL-T or right-click the CodeTree) or select existing units in the bottom list on "Explorer"-Tab to include them to your current script. (insert "ONCE" if desired)

    If you save a new project you may create a new folder for this (right-click into pathview) and/or select an existing path here before you exit.

    • expand Nodes on a tree using the middle mouse-button,
    • use mouse-wheel to scroll on anything, hold Shift|CTRL|Menu-key to change scroll-speed

    Check out the Tabstrip on the left of the editor:

    • see all your "Code" listed in a codetree that tells you all about your projects structure
    • you'll have a "Globals" tree that tells you all about used modules, global variables & constants
    • "Explorer" that allows you to (re-)load projects or to include files to your project at the current codeline
    The pathview on explorer-tab shows by default this projects folder,
    if you load thinIce.tBasic itself it'll take a while like 10 to 20 seconds.
    Smaller projects without this many units will load faster and work faster
    - since tUI will create more than 260 controls to handle thinICE within itself.
    • set thinICE-"Options" as you like
    • "Help" will provide you with important information about thinICE
    and allow to access all with thinBasic shipped helpfiles

    study "Help" before you start, it's not that much...

    • F11-key to toggle the size of Tab-Area or use the splitbar right aligned at Tab-area
    • F12-key or double-click {into empty area | onto statusbar} to toggle the window-size to 90% of the screen
    • see { first attached image | Help\Codewindows\Shortcuts } for a shortcuts-overview

    try out the Autocomplete-feature when you type into a code-window:

    • Use Arrow-keys (up/down)
    • Tab-key to insert and to continue on the same line
    • Return-key if want to continue to write on the next line
    • or use mouse

    click onto line-numbers of codefields to
    • toggle breakpoints
    • duplicate current line (CTRL+D)
    • insert code-blocks


    when running thinICE.tBasic from thinAir
    If you have any scripts open in thinAir that you already changed using thinICE before
    - close these scripts in thinAir before launching any scripts again
    - else thinAir will overwrite your changes

    Check out the TBGL-UI-Project behind the curtain and have a look at the sample-scripts.
    To use tUI you can use one of the templates to get started.

    Have fun, keep on coding.

    Updated regularly
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    Last edited by ReneMiner; 06-02-2016 at 13:07.
    I think there are missing some Forum-sections as beta-testing and support

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