If I take the SampleScripts\Console\Console_Info.tbasic program and run it from within thinAir, it works just like I would expect - it outputs all of it's text to the cmd windows that is brought up when run.
If I run it from the command line like so:
C:\thinBasic\SampleScripts\Console>thinbasicc Console_Info.tbasic
it also runs exactly as I expect - it uses the existing command shell console to output it's text to.
But when I bundle it and run it from the command line, it opens up it's own console rather than using the existing command shell console.
To me this doesn't match what I understand about .tbasic vs .tbasicc files.
If this file were a .tbasicc file and it were run from a bundle, I would expect it to open up it's own console. But it is not - it's just a .tbasic file. Shouldn't it use the existing console?
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