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Thread: Multidimensional indexing in unlimited dimensions

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    thinBasic MVPs
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    Multidimensional indexing in unlimited dimensions

    If the three dimensions for a tB-variable are not enough for your needs, you also can just use an ordinary one-dimensional array and calculate where the position of an element would be located.

    This is a formula to retrieve a linear position (1-dimensional, "Index") for any multidimensional addressed element with almost unlimited amount of dimensions. Limit is, there have to be at least 2 dimensions - to keep the formula small - and every dimension has to have at least 2 elements and there are maximum "only" 536.870.912 dimensions possible because we can not pass more parameters in one string...

    posted function below works as follows

    Pass two strings:
    - one has to contain the "address" of the element to search for, one Dword per index
    - second has to contain the boundarys of the dimensions, also one Dword per index

    result is either the Index/Position where this item is/can be stored or 0 if any of the passed parameters was incorrect.

    of course this works 1-based

    It might be an idea to raise the performance to store the bounds somewhere and just pass the pointer - just change this to your needs

    Uses "console"
    PrintL "retrieve position for element(1, 1, 1, 1, 1)"
    String                    sE = MKDWD$(1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
    PrintL "in dimension bounds of       (9, 8, 7, 6, 5)" 
    String                    sB = MKDWD$(9, 8, 7, 6, 5)
    PrintL "element should be at position" + Str$(MultiDimPos sE, sB)
    sE = sB 
    PrintL "get last element:" + Str$(MultiDimPos sE, sB)
    sE = MKDWD$(5,5)
    sB = MKDWD$(10,10)
    PrintL "two dimensional, element(5,5) in bounds(10, 10)" + Str$(MultiDimPos sE, sB)
    sE = sB
    PrintL "two dimensional, last in bounds(10, 10)" + Str$(MultiDimPos sE, sB)
    ' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' the function:
    Function MultiDimPos(ByVal sDims   As String, _
                         ByVal sBounds As String  _
                         ) As DWord 
    ' returns linear position of element in "multidimensional" storage
    ' function awaits two strings
    ' for sDims pass MKDWD$(dim1, dim2, dim3...)
    ' for sBounds pass MKDWD$(ubound1, ubound2, ubound3...)
    ' both strings have to match in length 
      If StrPtrLen(StrPtr(sDims)) <> StrPtrLen(StrPtr(sBounds)) Then
        'ERROR: No match!
        Return 0
    ' both need at least two dimensions
      If StrPtrLen(StrPtr(sDims)) < 2 * SizeOf(DWord) Then 
        ' ERROR: min 2 dimensions!
        Return 0
    ' not necessary if they match in length...
    '  If StrPtrLen(StrPtr(sBounds)) < 2 * SizeOf(DWord) Then 
    '    ' ERROR: min 2 dimensions!
    '    Return 0
    '  EndIf
    Local i, dwdPosition, numElements As DWord 
    Local nDims As DWord = StrPtrLen(StrPtr(sDims))/SizeOf(DWord)
    ' virtual overlay to both: 
    Dim vDims(nDims)   As DWord At StrPtr(sDims)
    Dim vBounds(nDims) As DWord At StrPtr(sBounds)
      For i = 1 To nDims
      ' check to meet minimal requirements
        If vDims(i) < 1 Or vDims(i) > vBounds(i) Then
          'ERROR: Requested index ecxeeds dimensions bounds
          Return 0
        If vBounds(i) < 2 Then
          'ERROR: dimension needs at least 2 elements!
          Return 0
      numElements = vBounds(1)
      For i = 2 To nDims
        numElements = numElements * vBounds(i)
      For i = 1 To nDims - 1
        numElements = numElements/vBounds(i)
        dwdPosition = dwdPosition + (vDims(i)-1) * numElements
      Function = dwdPosition + vDims(nDims)
    End Function
    setup array like
    Dim myArray( UboundDim1 * UboundDim2 [* UboundDim3 [* UboundDim4 [...]]] ) As ...
    To "ReDim" the array it can be copied somewhere temporary before, then request elements within shared bounds at old position and assign it to new positions.
    Last edited by ReneMiner; 13-08-2013 at 17:23.
    I think there are missing some Forum-sections as beta-testing and support

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