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Thread: Nodes

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  1. #1
    thinBasic MVPs
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    Oct 2012
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    I have not found any Nodes yet- so I made my own.

    This example consists of two files, put them both to same folder and run NodeTest which is a simple file-explorer written in TBGL+FILE that has a treeview to display my computer and below noded volumes and folders and a simple list to display the files.

    Main attention should be on the Nodes-Unit which handles tree & relations of nodes while the NodeTest.tBasic is just one of possible uses for nodes. It would be great to have this improved in speed & fuctionality - there are not all functions fully tested yet

    Perhaps some ideas to this,

    Minversion (or when did Array Scan the improve?)
    Edit: Added NODE_SetBranch(Index, Flag)-Function to set a whole branch of tree to either %NODE_COLLAPSED or %NODE_EXPANDED
    - not recommended to use expand on a whole tree before it is completely filled with data - leads to uncomfortable behaviour since the nodes don't know yet if they are expandable...
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by ReneMiner; 20-05-2013 at 18:12.
    I think there are missing some Forum-sections as beta-testing and support

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