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Thread: Challenge: Beat these times!

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  1. #1
    thinBasic MVPs
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    Oct 2012
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    Challenge: Beat these times!

    This time it's not a poll nor question here. But some challenge!

    Imagine we have some Long or Dword we get passed from somewhere and have to split this into 3 Bytes...

    The idea is from Maxer73's test-script- he wants to parse some parameters he receives from midi- and he wants it real fast. Now we got a few different attempts to split a number from Long to 3 Bytes (RBG-Reverse-Function). See this demonstration script (by Maxer73) - run it, read to see what it does - not much: splits up a few variables different ways - all the same result but different execution-times...

    Which - you guess is the fastest way?

    Method 1: Shifting the Bytes?
    Method 2: Division?
    Method 3: Peeking the bytes from memory at varptr?
    Method 4: MKL$ from Value and Peek Bytes from StrPtr ?
    Method 5: MKL$ and place virtual variable of adequate Type over it?

    Uses "Console"   
    %MAX_Tests = 75000
    Type data
      byte0 As Byte
      byte1 As Byte  
      byte2 As Byte
    End Type   
    Dim Midi As data 
    Long MidiWord 
    Double tStart,tEnd,tTime       'for obtain elapsed time 
    PrintL "MidiWord conversion speed test" + Str$(%Max_Tests) + " of executions:"
    PrintL "Press a Key to start method Midi_Decode_Max"
    tStart = Timer
    For MidiWord = 1 To %Max_Tests
       Midi_Decode_Max (MidiWord)   
       PrintL Midi.byte0 & $TAB & Midi.byte1 & $TAB & Midi.byte2 
    tEnd = Timer : tTime = (tEnd-tStart) 
    PrintL CRLF & "Executed in " & tTime & " seconds" & CRLF
    PrintL "Press a Key to start method Midi_Decode_Rene1"
    tStart = Timer
    For MidiWord = 1 To %Max_Tests
       PrintL Midi.byte0 & $TAB & Midi.byte1 & $TAB & Midi.byte2
    tEnd = Timer : tTime = (tEnd-tStart) 
    PrintL CRLF & "Executed in " & tTime & " seconds" & CRLF
    PrintL "Press a Key to start method Midi_Decode_Rene2"
    tStart = Timer
    For MidiWord = 1 To %Max_Tests
       PrintL Midi.byte0 & $TAB & Midi.byte1 & $TAB & Midi.byte2
    tEnd = Timer : tTime = (tEnd-tStart) 
    PrintL CRLF & "Executed in " & tTime & " seconds" & CRLF
    PrintL "Press a Key to start method Midi_Decode_Rene3"
    tStart = Timer
    For MidiWord = 1 To %Max_Tests 
       PrintL Midi.byte0 & $TAB & Midi.byte1 & $TAB & Midi.byte2
    tEnd = Timer : tTime = (tEnd-tStart) 
    PrintL CRLF & "Executed in " & tTime & " seconds" & CRLF
    PrintL "Press a Key to start method Midi_Decode_Rene4"
    tStart = Timer
    For MidiWord = 1 To %Max_Tests    
       PrintL Midi.byte0 & $TAB & Midi.byte1 & $TAB & Midi.byte2
    tEnd = Timer : tTime = (tEnd-tStart) 
    PrintL CRLF & "Executed in " & tTime & " seconds" & CRLF
    PrintL "Press a Key to exit"
    Sub Midi_Decode_Max (ByVal nVal As Long)        
       Dim temp0,temp1,temp2 As Long = nVal   
       Midi.byte0 = temp0 And 255    
       Midi.byte1 = (SHIFT SIGNED RIGHT temp1, 8) And 255 
       Midi.byte2 = (SHIFT SIGNED RIGHT temp2, 16) And 255       
    End Sub    
    Sub Midi_Decode_Rene1(ByVal anyValue As Long)   
       Midi.byte2 = Int(anyValue / &H10000)
       Midi.byte1 = Int((anyValue - &H10000 * Midi.byte2)/ &H100)
       Midi.byte0 = anyValue - Midi.byte2 * &H10000 - Midi.byte1 * &H100
    End Sub    
    Sub Midi_Decode_Rene2(ByRef someVal As Long)
       Midi.byte0 = Peek(Byte,VarPtr(someVal))
       Midi.byte1 = Peek(Byte,VarPtr(someVal)+ 1)
       Midi.byte2 = Peek(Byte,Varptr(someVal)+ 2) 
    End Sub     
    Sub Midi_Decode_Rene3(ByVal someVal As String)
       Midi.byte0 = Peek(Byte,StrPtr(someVal))
       Midi.byte1 = Peek(Byte,StrPtr(someVal)+ 1)
       Midi.byte2 = Peek(Byte,StrPtr(someVal)+ 2) 
    End Sub  
    Sub Midi_Decode_Rene4(ByVal someVal As String)
     Local lByte As data At StrPtr(someVal)
     Midi = lByte
    End Sub
    You know any faster method?

    for comparison reasons (see image), comment lines 22, 33, 44, 55, 66 and set CONST %MAX_TESTS = 1000000
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by ReneMiner; 29-04-2013 at 21:38.
    I think there are missing some Forum-sections as beta-testing and support

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