Giving the following UNION and relative variable ...

Union MyUnion
  b(12)   As Byte
  st      As String * 12
End Union

Dim MyU As MyUnion
Giving one of the following two methods to fill the union array b ...

'---Method 1 to fill UDT array
  With MyU
    .b( 1) = 116
    .b( 2) = 104
    .b( 3) = 105
    .b( 4) = 110
    .b( 5) = 66
    .b( 6) = 97
    .b( 7) = 115
    .b( 8) = 105
    .b( 9) = 99
    .b(10) = 32
    .b(11) = 33
  End With

'---Method 2 to fill UDT array
  With MyU
    .b( 1) = 116, 104, 105, 110, 66, 97, 115, 105, 99, 32, 33
  End With
What will be the output of:
MsgBox 0,