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Thread: what's the task of this oxygen code example ?

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    what's the task of this oxygen code example ?

    hello charles, can you help to say what this code is working or searching for an entry point (callback, win procedere) ? I found the code at c++ board and adept it to oxygen

    ' Empty GUI script created on 01-24-2012 15:53:42 by largo_winch (ThinAIR)
    Uses "oxygen"
    Dim src As String
    src = "
      Push EBP
      Push EBX
      Push EDI
      Push ESI
      Sub ESP,4
      MOV DWord[ESP+4],0
      MOV DWord[EBP-4],0
      ' effectively destroys the value in ESI.
    O2_BASIC src
    If Len(O2_ERROR) Then MsgBox 0, O2_ERROR : Stop
    MsgBox 0, O2_LEN+$CR+O2_PREP src
    there is still an error after compiling (gpf) I am thinking so the code example isn't fully correct but is showing results like you can see in screenshot picture.

    bye, largo
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