Dear friends,
if you have some spare time around 1st to 4th December, you might consider stopping by in the Science Museum of London.
Event, named Robotville Festival takes place there and various kinds of robots will be presented in this occasion.
One of the robots, which is kept as surprise, is not mentioned in the official list.
It is my electronic child Advee (to be precise not only mine, we made it with 7 friends, so it is probably the only child with 8 parents).
In London he will speak english and present various information related to the event. I think you will not miss him, as he is tall as a human and quite loud when speaking.
But why I am writing this post, which seems like advertisement, on ThinBASIC forum?
Well, the fact is Advee's mind is from notable part powered by ThinBASIC. The introductory 3D slideshow on robots touchscreen is generated via ThinBASIC script with TBGL module.
This is quite simple application, more interesting is FURA, program launched on robot start up. It is expert system, written 100% in ThinBASIC, which checks for validity of robot data for all his installed apps.
In case of mismatch or oddity it informs the technician about problem and solution using human language. This program has quite big responsibility, because it must make sure program won't crash, which is something not so trivial, because the robot operates typically for 8+ hours in row each day
ThinBASIC is involved in other parts of the robot as well, for example 3D Tombola used on less serious events to draw a winner based on tombola tickets printed by the robot itself, statistics software installed on the robot to give overview about robot usage such as evaluating how people responded in robots quiz... and much more. Even some offline media, such as the movie about Advee built in the robot itself, is generated by ThinBASIC script.
So, if I got you interested, I hope you will enjoy meeting the Advee and other robots as well.
The admission is free, so your wallet should stay undamaged.
If you will get chance to visit the place, I would be happy to hear about your impression from the robot. I sadly won't be there, but my friend will be ready to answer any on place questions.
I hope this post will also encourage some of you to not hesitate to use ThinBASIC for serious work, I found it very helpful and using TB saved me ton of gray hair in many situations.
I would also like to thank very very very (yes, I could use FOR/NEXT here) much to Eros and all the friends from ThinBASIC community for all the help, support and inspiration I got and still get on this forum.
Without your positive influence I doubt I would ever get general programming knowledge high enough to be able to participate on project such as this robot is.