I have opened a USB interface with COM and the send works fine.
I need a CallBack for the input.

Here is a short script, the first part works, just need callback.

' AH COM GUI script created on 09-10-2011 07:30:05 by: JDS  (ThinAIR)
    Uses "Console"
    Uses "UI"
    Uses "COM"  ' -- Create object   
    Dim Chndl As Long  
    Dim i As Single 
    Dim Params(7) As Variant   
    Dim RetVal As Variant  
  Chndl = Console_Alloc
     Function TBMain()
  DWord AHO = COM_CREATEOBJECT ("X10.ActiveHome", Params(7))
     ' -- Call method (parameters should be supplied in form of Variant array)
      Params(1) = "sendplc"
      Params(2) = "O09 on"
      COM_CALLMETHOD(AHO, "SendAction", 2, Params(),RetVal)  
      Params(2) = "o09 off"
      COM_CALLMETHOD(AHO, "SendAction", 2,  Params(), RetVal)       
  While Time$
  If GetAsyncKeyState(%VK_ESCAPE) Then Exit While  
  End Function          
   CallBack Function AHO_RecvAction (ByVal bszRecv As Variant _
                            , ByVal vParm1 As Variant _
                            , ByVal vParm2 As Variant _
                            , ByVal vParm3 As Variant _
                            , ByVal vParm4 As Variant _
                            , ByVal vParm5 As Variant _
                            , ByVal vReserved As Variant) As Long  'Handles ActiveHomeObj.RecvAction
     Console_WriteLine bszRecv
     Console_WriteLine vParm1
     Console_WriteLine vParm2
     Console_WriteLine vParm3
     Console_WriteLine vParm4
     Console_WriteLine vParm5
     Console_WriteLine vReserved
  End Function
Hope someone can help! Thanks