Hello, There

Im currently learning ThinBasic and i wanted to know how to do somthing. If anyone can help it would be greatly appricated. Please find attached my current code with comments, error is on line 12 with comments to indicate what i wan't it to do, i need help with the syntax of that part of my code. If anyone can please help me to get it working.

Dim Counter           As Long
Dim CompareValue      As String 
Dim Sip As String
Dim SipID As String * 3  ' Set Length to 3 This is the start value '

Sip = InputBox$ "Name", "Input", "BoB" ' This takes input and then counts value of howmany characters the input is' 
For Counter = 1 To Len(Sip)   
CompareValue = Counter
SipID = InputBox$ "Name", "Input", "ID" ' Here i want to take the second input and limit it to the number entered before by SIP eg. bob = 3 '
SipID = As String * (CompareValue) ' Here i can't set the value to the length of SIP count"       
  MsgBox 0, CompareValue 
  MsgBox 0, SipID
Please note, the input box for SIPID will be removed and the variable SIPID will only be used to set the string size from input SIP

Thank you!