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Thread: Script to retrieve each process CPU usage

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    Super Moderator Petr Schreiber's Avatar
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    Script to retrieve each process CPU usage


    I just recently ran into situation I needed to retrieve list of processes running in memory + their CPU usage and save it to file. The following script did the job:
    Uses "WMI", "OS", "Console", "File"                           
    PrintL "Retrieving information, please wait..."
    ' -- The following code returns query to string buffer
    ' -- We request only Name and PercentProcessorTime fields, but more is possible, see:
    ' -- 
    String sBuffer    = WMI_GetData(OS_GetComputerName, "", "", "", "Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfProc_Process", "", "Name,PercentProcessorTime")
    String sBufferOut
    ' -- Number of processes found equals to number of Element "tags"
    Long   nProcesses = Tally(sBuffer, "{Element")
    Long   i                        
    String sName, sUsage, sLine                                   
    ' -- File to which we retrieve info
    String sFile = APP_SourcePath+"ProcessList.txt"
    For i = 1 To nProcesses
      ' -- Grab$ is great for retrieving fields determined by different "tags" 
      sName  = Grab$(sBuffer, "Name=", $CRLF, i)
      sUsage = Grab$(sBuffer, "PercentProcessorTime=", $CRLF, i)
      ' -- We leave out items Idle and _Total, but you can change this to your needs
      If sName = "Idle" Or sName = "_Total" Then Iterate For
      sLine       = LSet$(sName, 30 Using " ") + sUsage+"%"       
      sBufferOut += sLine + $CRLF
      PrintL        sLine  
    FILE_Save(sFile, sBufferOut)
    PrintL "File saved as " + sFile
    PrintL "Press any key to quit..."
    It can be done via Win32 as well, but the code gets quite long, while using WMI it was just few lines of code.

    The version I used was 3 lines long, but the version above is more readable
    Original code was:
    Uses "WMI", "OS", "File"                           
    FILE_Save(APP_SourcePath+"ProcessDump.txt", WMI_GetData(OS_GetComputerName, "", "", "", "Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfProc_Process", "", "Name,PercentProcessorTime"))
    and resulted in such a log:
    So you can see why I picked the GRAB$ in tuned version to make it more readable.

    Last edited by Petr Schreiber; 16-04-2011 at 11:52.
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