Hello all. Here I show a little progress on my inka_3D OpenGL demo I've built last days.
I am mixing glu/freeglut.inc's and that wasn't very hard to create (only a time question to include freeglut nurbs object in right order). I used my old amd notebook for project working.
I would like to see some feedback about Framerate and perhaps some feedback about layout or something you like or don't like. Whole example was built only with powerbasic 9.05 and glu/freeglut include files.
This example uses a sdk window frames with controls in it. the project is at early status quo, don't forget I am open for constructive critics if anybody really has fun to test it.. The scene has a little auto self rotation around y-axis.
a) you can move scene by simple mouse moving.
b) pageup/pagedown zooming some objects
c) use left mouse for teapot rotation
d) better to maximize the scene
See also infos in textbox of entry picture with ironman2 I have made this one just for fun.
zip file with project I add here too. Would be good to hear if you can see the Teapot and can rotate it in my scene. I programmed current project on win xp2. It's important if this exe file works on windows 7 too
new edit: sorry, nurbs surfaces works on my machine at home, but caused an error on other pc's at the end or doesn't work with window 7, this error behaviour I have still to find
thanks, frank