I'm trying to use the Windows Media Player in ThinBasic (beta, I based my script on "ThinGames", also in this forum.

I know that COM/ActiveX support is not complete, but I'm trying to understand why this script doesn't work with the latest Media Player. When I try to call any method or set property, the application crashes. Maybe it's a problem with threading or other...

Any help?

 Uses "UI"
 Uses "COM"
 Declare Function UnregisterClass  Lib "USER32.DLL"  Alias "UnregisterClassA" (ByVal lpClassName As Asciiz, ByVal hInstance As DWord) As Long
 Declare Function GetModuleHandle  Lib "KERNEL32.DLL" Alias "GetModuleHandleA" (ByVal lpModuleName As Asciiz) As DWord

 Declare Function AtlAxWinInit Lib "ATL.DLL" Alias "AtlAxWinInit" () As Long
 Declare Function AtlAxGetControl Lib "ATL.DLL" Alias "AtlAxGetControl" (ByVal hControl As DWord, ByRef pObject As DWord) As Long 

 Function AtlAxWinTerm () As Long
  UnregisterClass ("AtlAxWin", GetModuleHandle(%NULL))
 End Function
 Dim Msg   As Long
 Dim wParam As Long
 Dim lParam As Long
 Dim hDlg  As Long
 Dim wx, hy As Long
 Dim hCtrl  As Long

 %Max_Param = 3
 Dim vParam(%Max_Param) As Variant
 %ID_OCX = 1001
 %ID_BUTTON = 1002
 Dim oMediaPlayer As DWord    
 $CLASS  = "WMPlayer.OCX"
 Dialog New 0, "Media Player", -1, -1, 220, 300, %DS_CENTER, 0 To hDlg
 Control Add "AtlAxWin", hDlg, %ID_OCX, $CLASS, 10, 50, 200, 200, %WS_CHILD Or %WS_VISIBLE
 Control Add Button hDlg, %ID_BUTTON, "Play", 10, 10, 50, 25, Call onClick

 Dialog Get Client hdlg To wx, hy

 Control Set Resize hDlg, %ID_OCX, 1, 1, 1, 1

 Control Handle hDlg, %ID_OCX To hCtrl
 AtlAxGetControl(hCtrl, oMediaPlayer) 
 Dialog Show Modeless hDlg
 While IsWindow(hDlg)         
  Msg = GetMessage(hDlg, wParam, lParam)    

  Select Case Msg

   Case %WM_INITDIALOG     


    Select Case wParam
     Case %SC_CLOSE
      Exit While
    End Select 

   Case Else
  End Select

 Dialog End hDlg
 CallBack Function onClick()
   Select Case CBCTLMSG
    Case %BN_CLICKED
     If CBCTL = %ID_BUTTON Then   
      vParam(1) = "http://www.mididatabase.com/20100702...e_Sedated.mid" 
      COM_EXECUTE(oMediaPlayer, "Url", %TB_DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT, 1, vParam, 0)
     End If
   End Select
  End If
 End Function