Hello Charles,
I'm still plugging along and trying different things with oxygen.

Here I changed the chatter.dll to utilize the MessageBox Win32 function (instead of the build in print function)
 #file `chatter.dll`

'dim as long user32 = LoadLibrary "user32.dll"
'bind user32 (
'  MessageBox    MessageBoxA    : @16

declare function MessageBox lib `user32.dll` alias `MessageBoxA` (byval as long,
            byval as string, byval as string, byval as long) as long  

 class greeting alias `greeting` export
  method hello(n as string)
  method goodbye(n as string)
 end class
 methods of greeting
  method hello(n as string)
   print ` Hello ` n
  end method

  method goodbye(n as string)
   dim txt as string
   txt = ` Goodbye `
   'print ` Good bye ` n
   MessageBox(0, n, txt, 0)
  end method
 end methods 'of greeting
But it crashes

Here the code to use the chatter.dll
 class greeting lib `chatter.dll` alias `greeting`
   method hello(n as string) 
  method goodbye(n as string)
 end class

 dim g as greeting
 g.goodbye `moon`
 g.hello `earth`
Is this a limitation of oxygen's alpha state?
