hello all.
here I show a version of a new Editor "Glimmer Twins - Code Editor 1.12" (simple Code Texteditor for powerbasic and I hope in spe for thinbasic too) based upon the fantastic Borje Hagstens "edm32" include file. I have adepted, expanded some big parts of functionality (good supported also from a friend, Joaquim). The example was built with powerbasic (pbwin 9). All work in progress
feel free to test. Any feedback is welcome.
some tips:
a) use right click to see more properties.
b) load any powerbasic file to see syntax and commands, change it, save it, do ever what you like to want
c) have add two examples: 1) UI example from thinbasic side, but saved as *.bas file, as this version cannot load *.tbasic file, but will come I hope
2) simple powerbasic file (pie.bas)
best regards, frank