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Thread: Example: Section 7.7 (pages 222-224) Explorations with the Mandelbrot Set

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  1. #31
    Senior Member Lionheart008's Avatar
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    Re: Example: Section 7.7 (pages 222-224) Explorations with the Mandelbrot Set

    this example didn't work complete. rendering abort at about 53 per cent.

    [code=thinbasic]' Empty GUI script created on 03-04-2010 16:47:52 by (ThinAIR)

    ' Example: Section 7.7 (page 222-224), Explorations with the Mandlebrot Set

    ' From Stan Blank's Book:
    ' "Python Programming in OpenGL
    ' "A Graphical Approach to Programming

    ' Converted by Stan Blank, this version is slightly downgraded in detail by Petr Schreiber
    ' Using the Predator-Prey framework by Michael Clease
    ' Last modified: February 28, 2010

    ' thinBasic does not use GLUT, we use instead tbgl
    Uses "TBGL"

    ' insert Eros Olmi's new iComplex module
    Uses "iComplex"

    Function TBMain()

    ' Handle for our window
    Local hWnd As DWord
    Local Width As Long
    Local Height As Long
    Local n As Long
    Local x,y, zz As Double

    ' Declare iComplex variables
    Local z, c As tComplex

    '# Initial values of width And height
    width = 680
    height = 500
    ' Create and show window
    hWnd = TBGL_CreateWindowEx("Frankos_Mandelbrot Set", Width, Height, 32, %TBGL_WS_WINDOWED Or %TBGL_WS_CLOSEBOX Or %TBGL_WS_DONTSIZE)

    ' -- Set background from default black to white

    ' -- Init OpenGl, like gluOrtho2D in example code
    TBGL_RenderMatrix2D( -2, -1.5, 1, 1.5 )

    TBGL_PointSize 1

    ' Resets status of all keys

    Local percent As Double
    Local p,v As Double

    ' -- Create new GBuffer
    Local gbMandelbrot As DWord = TBGL_GBufferCreate(%TBGL_POINTS, %TBGL_2D)
    Local MandelbrotIndex As Long
    Local MandelbrotVertex(160000) As tbgl_tVector2f ' -- TYPE from TBGL
    Local MandelbrotColor (320000) As tbgl_tRGB ' -- TYPE from TBGL
    p = -0.001*Cos(GetTickCount/5000)*100

    ' -- Fill it with data
    For x = -2 To 1 Step 0.0055

    For y = -1.5 To 1.5 Step 0.0055
    Incr MandelbrotIndex
    Incr MandelbrotColor(MandelbrotIndex).r

    ' Set complex points
    c = iComplex_Set(x,y)
    z = iComplex_Set(x,y)
    v = iComplex_Set(x,y)
    n = 0

    For n = 1 To 50
    ' Equation is z = z*z + c
    z = iComplex_Mul(z,z)
    z = iComplex_Add(z,c)
    z = iComplex_Sin(z)
    'z = iComplex_sub(z,v)

    ' Distance from origin to complex point
    zz = iComplex_Abs(z)

    ' if distance is > 2.0, then point is NOT in the M-Set
    ' so plot it... the M-Set will be black
    If zz > 2.0 Then
    MandelbrotColor (MandelbrotIndex).R = 455 '--> ? problem
    MandelbrotVertex(MandelbrotIndex).x = x
    MandelbrotVertex(MandelbrotIndex).y = y
    End If

    ' -- Write status
    percent = (x-(-2))/3*100
    TBGL_SetWindowTitle(hWnd, Format$(percent, "#.00")+"%, rendering full detail")

    ' -- Dynamically say to TBGL where the data are, this is just pointer gymnastics, no copy
    TBGL_GBufferDefineFromArray(gbMandelbrot, %TBGL_DYNAMIC, MandelbrotIndex, MandelbrotVertex(1), MandelbrotColor(1))

    ' -- Redraw

    ' -- Escape sooner?
    If TBGL_GetWindowKeyOnce(hWnd, %VK_ESCAPE) Then Exit For


    TBGL_SetWindowTitle(hWnd, "Behold - the Mandlebrot! ")

    ' Main loop
    While TBGL_IsWindow(hWnd)




    If TBGL_GetWindowKeyOnce(hWnd, %VK_ESCAPE) Then Exit While



    End Function

    perhaps somebody can help to fix this code that's run fine or give hint where I can do that, would be nice ?

    best regards, frank
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