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Thread: AEB_Art_Editor (Picture Manipulation Software in spe!)

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    Senior Member Lionheart008's Avatar
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    AEB_Art_Editor (Picture Manipulation Software in spe!)

    hello all

    ..because I wanted to start some weeks ago with the idea of an image manipulation software I collected some ideas of a simple Image / Picture Application with powerbasic. I have used for the first bigger steps and features "Gdiplus" include files. the whole application based at/on josé roca's "cWindow" include files (sdk frame window) to make the code short. And I used a MDI class window you can try by the menu bar.

    over that I've token for whole gdiplus sub's functions ( a lot) and start new popup window different "wndproc's" so the code became bigger and bigger. It's a good job for learning to include new functions or simply loading/saving pictures (this will be the next big task for me to handle images you can load and save by hand and name/rename it). with every new idea I learn new things, that's sometimes really funny when I see, what's possible with image creating and thumbnails and perhaps the next time stretching pictures for example. A rich editor popup window is also included and a text editor (MDI).

    explore the toolbar: You can test the application in an early beta stadium, there are still some problems, but you can already try to use: IconButtons 1,2,7,8,9,10,11 and see what happens

    the exe file I add in zip folder and a picture zip file for seeing short overview of the IDE. there are still some bugs, I know that, but it's a good time to show how this idea becomes bigger and without thinbasic knowledge and love to this basic interpreter I never started this task, you can imagine.

    any feedback is welcome. feel free to test this "AdamEvaBasic_Art Editor" or leave it.

    I was not intended to write a new compiler, oh no! I wanted to work with images and like to manipulate them. perhaps it's possible some day to get a free Image Manipulation Software worked with thinbasic and powerbasic. must be easy to translate it for thinbasic too, I am sure.

    Now I have found what I was looking for last weeks and month with this idea and will realize it

    thanks, good night, Frank
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    you can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you might find, you get what you need

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