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Thread: Example: Section 8.2 (page 261), A little Gravity!

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    thinBasic MVPs
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    Example: Section 8.2 (page 261), A little Gravity!

    ' Example: Section 8.2 (page 261), A little Gravity!

    ' From Stan Blank's Book:
    ' "Python Programming in OpenGL
    ' "A Graphical Approach to Programming

    ' Converted by Michael Clease (Stolen timing ideas from Petr..hehe)
    ' Last modified: February 27, 2010

    Uses "TBGL"

    ' Handle for our window
    Global hWnd As DWord
    Global Width As Long
    Global Height As Long
    Global x,y As Double
    Global dx,dy As Double
    Global anim As Long
    Global axrng As Double
    Global hvel As Double
    Global vvel As Double
    Global radius As Double
    Global xborder As Double
    Global yborder As Double
    Global dtime As Double
    Dim Title As String Value "A little Gravity! - Press 'A' to start, 'S' to stop or 'Esc' to quit"
    width = 600
    height = 600
    ' Create and show window
    hWnd = TBGL_CreateWindowEx(Title, Width, Height, 32, %TBGL_WS_WINDOWED )

    ' Define "Callback" to be fired + that it should be fired each 10ms
    TBGL_BindPeriodicFunction(hWnd, "PlotFunc", 10)

    ' -- Once the command below is executed, further script execution
    ' -- is halted and only periodic calling of the bound function is performed


    Sub Init() 'ByRef anim,ByRef x,ByRef y,ByRef dx,ByRef dy,axrng)
    '# initial position of the ball
    x = -0.67
    y = 0.34
    dtime = 0.005
    radius = 0.1
    hvel = 0.75
    vvel = 3.0
    '# Direction "sign" of the ball's motion
    dx = 1
    dy = 1
    '# Window dimensions
    xborder = 1.0
    yborder = 1.0
    axrng = 1.0
    '# No animation To start
    anim = 0
    ' Resets status of all keys
    End Sub

    Sub PlotFunc()
    ' -- Which window is calling?
    Local hWnd As DWord = TBGL_CallingWindow

    If Anim Then
    TBGL_RenderMatrix2D(-axrng, -axrng, axrng, axrng)

    vvel = vvel - 9.8*dtime
    y += vvel*dtime
    If y <= (-axrng + radius) Then y = -axrng + radius
    x += hvel*dtime

    If x >= (xborder - radius) Or x <= (-xborder + radius) Then hvel = -1*hvel
    If y >= (yborder - radius) Or y <= (-yborder + radius) Then vvel = -1*vvel

    If TBGL_GetWindowKeyState(hWnd, %VK_A) Then Anim = 1
    If TBGL_GetWindowKeyState(hWnd, %VK_S) Then Anim = 0

    ' ESCAPE key to disable callback
    If TBGL_GetWindowKeyState(hWnd, %VK_ESCAPE) Then
    TBGL_UnBindPeriodicFunction( hWnd )
    Exit Sub
    End If

    End Sub

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