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Thread: PolyHedral Greenhouse (simple OOP)

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    PolyHedral Greenhouse (simple OOP)

    This is part of a real project to design a small rotunda greenhouse. It calculates the shape of the roof and wall panels including mitre and bevel angles for the frame. The output is only a set of figures at this stage, and in the absence of a modelling device scissors cardboard and tape give a fair representation of the design.

    Before this program gets too complicated, I wanted to use it to show off some of the latest Oxygen features, which includes some C like syntax. The aim is to produce very clear and highly maintainable code, so it can be extended to produce further variations in design and more detailed outputs such as materials and costs.

    In particular, note the Report method which uses 2 inner functions: single liners to help format the output values. As inner functions these are completely encapsulated inside the method and invisible to the rest of the program.

    Latest Oxygen with a few adjustments as usual


    'Polyhedral GreenHouse

    '16:18 03/02/2010

    uses "oxygen","file"
    dim src as string

    src ="



    /\ apex
    / \
    / \
    -------------- truncation
    / \
    / main \
    / \
    \ / /\
    \ tail / / \
    \ / / \
    \ / / \
    \ / / head \
    \ / / \
    \/ / \
    | main | shoulder
    | |
    SIDE PANEL | |
    | |
    | |
    | |
    | |
    | |
    | |


    class greenhouse

    protected double


    method input(double scale, double sides, double RoofSlope )


    sc=scale 'SCALE
    n=sides 'NUMBER OF SIDES
    a=pi/n 'MAIN ANGLE
    b=rad(RoofSlope) 'ROOF PANEL SLOPE

    end method

    method calculate()


    cosa=cos a
    sina=sin a
    tana=tan a
    sinb=sin b
    cosb=cos b
    tanb=tan b


    r=sc/cos(a) 'CORNER RADIUS
    fr=r*cosa 'FACE RADIUS
    w1=r*sina 'SIDE PANEL W1
    w2=w1*cosa 'ROOF PANEL W2

    h1=w1*sina/cosb 'ROOF PANEL TAIL
    h2=r*cosa/cosb 'ROOF PANEL MAIN
    v1=h1*sinb 'SIDE PANEL PEAK
    ta=atn(h1/w2) 'TAIL ANGLE
    ma=atn( tana/sin(ta) )/2 'TAIL BEVEL
    ra=asin(sina*cosa*cosb) 'ROOF ANGLE
    rptr=h2-rptw/tan(ra) 'ROOF PANEL TRUNCATED
    rm=atn(tana*sinb*cos(ra) ) 'ROOF BEVEL


    rptm=atn(h2/w2)*.5 'ROOF PANEL TOP MITRE
    rsdm=.5*(pi-atn(h2/w2)-ta) 'ROOF PANEL SIDE MITRE
    sdtm=atn(v1/w1) 'SIDE PANEL TIP MITRE
    sdsm=pi*.25-sdtm*.5 'SIDE PANEL SHOULDER MITRE

    end method


    method report()

    function degs(double d) as string= left(str(deg(d)),5) chr(9)
    function vals(double d) as string = left(str(d),5) chr(9)

    print `

    Polyhedral GreenHouse Measurements:

    ` vals( `scaling
    ` vals(r) `Corner radius
    ` vals(fr) `Face radius
    ` vals(n) `number of sides
    ` degs(b) `roof slope
    ` vals(w2) `roof panel half width
    ` vals(h1) `roof panel tail
    ` vals(h2) `roof panel main
    ` vals(rptw) `roof panel truncation width
    ` vals(rptr) `roof panel truncated
    ` degs(ta) `roof tail angle
    ` degs(ra) `roof panel apex angle
    ` degs(rptm) `roof panel top mitre
    ` degs(rsdm) `roof panel side mitre
    ` degs(rtam) `roof panel tail mitre
    ` degs(b ) `roof panel top bevels (top opening)
    ` degs(rm) `roof panel side bevels
    ` degs(ma) `roof panel tail bevels
    ` vals(w1) `side panel half width
    ` vals(sh) `side panel shoulder
    ` vals(v1) `side panel head
    ` degs(sdtm) `side panel tip mitre
    ` degs(sdsm) `side panel shoulder mitre
    ` vals(45) `side panel base mitre
    ` degs(a ) `side panel side bevels
    ` degs(ma) `side panel apex bevels

    end method

    end class


    greenhouse g
    g.input 1,6,45 '(double scale, double sides, double RoofSlope )


    'file_save ( "t.txt", o2_prep src )
    'msgbox 0, o2_prep src

    o2_asmo src
    if len(o2_error) then
    msgbox 0, o2_error : stop
    end if



    Latest Version Attached below
    Featuring inner class for processing panel frame struts.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Attached Files Attached Files

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