I am working out a new project. will include all parts at the end in my gui with a lot of functions !. perhaps this first step is fussy or antique, but I go this way to make it. If anyone knows better way, say it. I am open to make it better. there might be better way to use replacing words by open files !
my script includes textfile to load. but how I can change text file by open any script file if I don`t know what script I am using with ? *laugh* other things you see when I show the script.
I suppose better use file_seek file_put or other things, then replace words. the script works, but not for replacing these two words I wished: "ZUCCHERO" into "zucherox" (only an example). see you.
my script:
[code=thinbasic] uses "file","console", "ui"
dim lastString as string value "last one"
dim newString as string value "new songs and lyrics"
dim fileBuffer as string value ""
dim lydFile as string value "lyd_test_song.txt"
dim myResult as dword
dim nfile as string
dim sfilter, p as string
dim numero_line, z as long
dim nfile_putin as string value file_load(nfile)
dim nfile_putout as string value "output_lydiaSongs.txt"
dim my_output_text as string
dim nfile_in_lines() as string
dim counter as long
'' 1 ) open file and replace words of song text file ------------------
sfilter = "thinbasic files (*.tbasic, *.tbasicc)|*.tbasic;*.tbasicc|"
sfilter += "all files (*.*)|*.*"
nfile = dialog_openfile(0, "open a new file",dir_getcurrent , sfilter, "tbasic", %ofn_filemustexist or %ofn_hidereadonly or %ofn_enablesizing)
numero_line = parsecount(nfile_putin, $crlf)
numero_line = parse(nfile_putin, nfile_in_lines, $crlf)
for counter = 1 to numero_line
for z = 1 to len(nfile_in_lines(counter))
mid$(nfile_in_lines(counter),z,1) = ucase$(mid$(nfile_in_lines(counter),z,1))
p = nfile_in_lines(counter)
p = replace$( app_sourcepath + "lyd_test_song.txt" + p, "ZUCCHERO_", "zucherox_")
my_output_text += p + $crlf
msgbox 0, "intermediate qt: all ok with script ?"
file_save(app_sourcepath + nfile_putout , my_output_text)
'' 2 ) load file and save it as copy with whole song text of zucchero -----------------
printl "-- first work of replacing word done, I hope so !.."
printl "-- next task.. save file, push any key "
printl "hello, save my file and song text of zucchero"
fileBuffer = file_load(lydFile)
if lydFile = "" then msgbox 0, "good!: file was found and will save now.." end if
fileBuffer = Replace$( fileBuffer, lastString, newString)
if filebuffer = "" then msgbox 0, "error: no file was select and found..", %MB_ICONINFORMATION, "file error !" : stop
myResult = file_save(app_sourcepath+"LydSavedSongCopy.txt", fileBuffer)
if myResult = 0 then msgbox 0, "I have saved your file, it's all ok"
else msgbox 0, "oh no, file save error!"
printl "file was saved with success!"
weapons out, please beat me!
songtext of zucchero I include as attachement.
good evening. lydia