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Thread: COM Example: Internet Explorer Automation

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    Super Moderator Petr Schreiber's Avatar
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    COM Example: Internet Explorer Automation

    This is little example showing how to Google things using COM interface.
    I meant this example as something other people experimenting with COM under ThinBASIC can learn from, as it shows:
    • How to create objects
    • How to access properties
    • How to invoke methods with parameters
    • To not forget release objects

    Example is based on José Roca PowerBASIC example, the final code took the COM methods from it, while the whole COM manipulation is ThinBASIC specific.

    ' -- Example how to programatically Google things, based on example by José Roca
    ' -- Petr Schreiber, 2009
    ' -- V2.0

    uses "COM", "Console"

    function tbMain()

    LOCAL pIWebBrowser2 AS DWORD ' // Reference to the IWebBrowser2 interface
    LOCAL pIHTMLDocument3 AS DWORD ' // Reference to the IHTMLDocument3 interface
    LOCAL pIHTMLElement AS DWORD ' // Reference to the IHTMLElement interface

    ' dim result as long
    dim vParam(5) as variant
    dim vValue as variant
    dim success as long

    ' Create a new instance of Internet Explorer
    pIWebBrowser2 = COM_CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
    IF isFalse(pIWebBrowser2) THEN EXIT FUNCTION

    ' Make it visible
    vParam(1) = "1"
    success = COM_Succeeded(COM_SetProperty(pIWebBrowser2, "Visible", 1, vParam))
    if isFalse(success) then CleanUpAndEnd(pIWebBrowser2, pIHTMLDocument3, pIHTMLElement )

    ' Navigate to Google
    vParam(1) = ""
    success = COM_Succeeded(COM_CallMethod(pIWebBrowser2, "Navigate", 1, vParam, 0))
    if isFalse(success) then CleanUpAndEnd(pIWebBrowser2, pIHTMLDocument3, pIHTMLElement )

    ' Wait until the page is ready
    success = COM_Succeeded(COM_GetProperty(pIWebBrowser2, "ReadyState", vValue))
    if isFalse(success) then CleanUpAndEnd(pIWebBrowser2, pIHTMLDocument3, pIHTMLElement )

    WHILE (variant#(vValue) <> %READYSTATE_COMPLETE)
    SLEEP 3
    COM_GetProperty(pIWebBrowser2, "ReadyState", vValue)

    success = COM_Succeeded(COM_GetProperty(pIWebBrowser2, "Document", vValue))
    if isFalse(success) then CleanUpAndEnd(pIWebBrowser2, pIHTMLDocument3, pIHTMLElement )

    ' Get a reference to the IHTMLDocument3 interface
    pIHTMLDocument3 = variant#(vValue)
    IF isFalse(pIHTMLDocument3) THEN CleanUpAndEnd(pIWebBrowser2, pIHTMLDocument3, pIHTMLElement )

    ' Get a reference to the input box
    vParam(1) = "q"
    success = COM_Succeeded(COM_CallMethod(pIHTMLDocument3, "getElementById", 1, vParam, vValue))
    if isFalse(success) then CleanUpAndEnd(pIWebBrowser2, pIHTMLDocument3, pIHTMLElement )

    pIHTMLElement = variant#(vValue)
    if isFalse(pIHTMLElement) then CleanUpAndEnd(pIWebBrowser2, pIHTMLDocument3, pIHTMLElement )

    ' Set the value
    vParam(1) = "value"
    vParam(2) = "ThinBasic"
    vParam(3) = "0"
    success = COM_Succeeded(COM_CallMethod(pIHTMLElement, "setAttribute", 3, vParam, 0))
    if isFalse(success) then CleanUpAndEnd(pIWebBrowser2, pIHTMLDocument3, pIHTMLElement )

    ' Get reference to Search button
    vParam(1) = "btnG"
    success = COM_Succeeded(COM_CallMethod(pIHTMLDocument3, "getElementById", 1, vParam, vValue))
    if isFalse(success) then CleanUpAndEnd(pIWebBrowser2, pIHTMLDocument3, pIHTMLElement )

    COM_Release(pIHTMLElement) ' We had already reference for textbox here, need to release from memory
    pIHTMLElement = variant#(vValue)
    if isFalse(pIHTMLElement) then CleanUpAndEnd(pIWebBrowser2, pIHTMLDocument3, pIHTMLElement )

    ' Click in
    success = COM_Succeeded(COM_CallMethod(pIHTMLElement, "Click", 0, 0, 0))
    if isFalse(success) then CleanUpAndEnd(pIWebBrowser2, pIHTMLDocument3, pIHTMLElement )

    ' Do not forget to release objects
    CleanUpAndEnd(pIWebBrowser2, pIHTMLDocument3, pIHTMLElement )

    end function

    sub CleanUpAndEnd( var1 as dword, optional var2 as dword, var3 as dword )
    if var1 then COM_Release(var1)
    if var2 then COM_Release(var2)
    if var3 then COM_Release(var3)

    end sub


    UPDATED July 7th 2009, 18:54
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