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Thread: visual c++ form example:)

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    Senior Member Lionheart008's Avatar
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    visual c++ form example:)

    Hi all...

    I have created a small visual "form" c++ example ... my first one at all in my short life !

    I have used visual c++ express edition 2005 haven't the actual 2008 version... too big for my notebook... and code blocks I don't yet understand or I have to use an extra compiler for it... no idea how to handle this... so I go the easier way with visual c++

    my idea was to build a "dll", or a simple library (by wizzard gui), googled for this term and have found something around this theme... but it was easier to create this little form for me I wanted to know how does it all works... my knowledge was (is still!) very low about these things...

    it's just a simple example for me to see what things happen when I am building such a little form dialogue... it's only a dummy form dialogue and a test for me...

    I will try to follow this idea with dll to create such interesting stuff beside thinbasic or I can use it also with thinbasic... don't know... it's a lot of new things to check, but I was eager to see how I can build some day an own dll or library or new thinbasic modules... ??? (must laugh)...

    qt: perhaps anybody can tell me how to create a simple *.dll with visual c++ (2005 express edition)... ??? Or a link to an example how to make it... Something I have done wrong with the select window to create it or I can only select the win32 form icon...???

    => it's possible to make a new own thread with add-ons or plugins or libraries or dll's for thinbasic material and examples ??? And would be nice to get here also some help... ?

    that's all for today... Ciao, Lionheart

    ps: the "checker" exe I have add as attachment ...
    pps: don't know where I can place this 'thinbasic free' post.. so I did it here ...
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