hi all
little thing about date and time functions...
I know how to build a correct message box with date and time


tried this one...

[code=thinbasic]uses "UI", "DT"

msgbox, format$(date$, "dd.mm.yyyy") + date$, "","Test for date "
msgbox, format$(time$, "hh:nn:ss") + time$, "","Test for time "

I was just curious to test it, but doesn't work without "date$"and "time$" commands:

date$, "dd.mm.yyyy"
so I have used the correctly date$, time$ commands

my dummy question: it's possible to program the date and time values easier like this one: ??? "dd.mm.yyyy" as date, time, weekday, seconds and so on... functions ???

ciao, Lionheart
ps: perhaps this is the wrong place for this question... but I post it here...