hi all
I have found yesterday an old password script on my notebook( I have to create it new! worked with sub function method) but it didn't fit into thinbasic language or do what I wished... eros has helped a little, so I have built this example...
may be one day thinbasic or your own little thinbasic script has to get a password to start the application or you are using a trial version... doesn't matter...
one little example with two loops
info: use "q" and then "f" to quit the console script! to make it faster...
more to come... I have some new ideas with this script...
my bad example looked like this:
Function Passwort() As String
Dim strPasswort As String
Dim strBuffer As String
DIM strInput as String
Printl strInput
Sleep 10
strBuffer = Console_InKeyB()
If strBuffer <> "" Then
If Asc(Left$(strBuffer, 1)) = 13 Then Exit Do
If Asc(Left$(strBuffer, 1)) = 8 Then
strPasswort = Left$(strPasswort, Len(strPasswort) - 1)
Len(strPasswort) + Len(strInput) + 1
Printl (" ")
Len(strPasswort) + Len(strInput) + 1
strPasswort += strBuffer
Printl ("******")
End If
PrintL ("")
Return strPasswort
End Function
I was very near at the aim
sincerely Mr. Lionhead
...unfortunately with headache from a birthday and wine party last night...
saturday early in the mornging edit: ps: sorry, I delete the attachment for building new "password" script version complete and with some new functions so I have in mind... better to make a clear big issue than three, four little parts - all work in progress...