Dear friends!,
welcome to new year! Because learning from history is often useful, I bring some granny-tech
I think at least some of gaming patriarchs remember era of Quake 2 engine - Quake 2, Anachronox, Kingpin...
These games used MD2 animation system, or its derivation.
During the last few days I decided to attempt to work on system handling classic MD2 animated models.
As I realize MD2 is historical technology, I decided to not include it as part of TBGL, but make separate DLL - those who want to try it can pick it separately and use with TBGL.
Good news for someone could be that I decided to release source code of MD2Plus, as I named the library, so everyone can get scared by coding done under influence of Xmas cookies overdoseand modify it. Library is written in PowerBASIC for Windows, v9.
All functions are documented via PDF manual, and I preparied few elemental examples to get you started.
I tried to keep it simple, so you can load, draw and delete the MD2's. You can also set active animation loop and iterate through the frames both back and forth.
Hope you will like it, and I would be even happier to see some game using this library in the future
There were typos in the manual, I uploaded new version