Hi Roberto,
Issue 1
When I try to run RecurseExeSubsystem.tBasic from SampleScripts, I get run-time error telling me that EXE_PE_GETSUBSYSTEM is not defined. Did it become obsolete?
Issue 2(?)
When I use EXE_PE_Is32, EXE_PE_Is64 or EXE_PE_IsUPX for "c:\windows\system32\append.exe", it produces messagebox on attached picture.
Do you think it would be possible to handle incorrect input in other way than with msgbox? When I run script which tries to analyze whole drive, I don't want my script to "hang" on msgbox which I must confirm.
Maybe those functions should simply return %FALSE in such a cases - I think it would not mean problem, corrupted/wrong EXE really is not 32bit/64bit/UPX one.
I know Xmas are approaching, so I don't want you to fix this right now, just wanted to let you know.