Here is a sample how to add an event.
' TBEM sample script - AddEvent
' Michael Hartlef
' October 18th, 2008
uses "CONSOLE", "TBEM"
dim myEvent as long
dim sKey as string
dim run as long value %TRUE
'Define all event types we need.
begin const
end const
function tbmain()
'Add an event
myEvent = TBEM_AddEvent("SampleFunc",%evtType1)
'Fire a trigger to run the event for one time
console_writeline ("Press q for quit, a to add a new trigger" + $CRLF)
while run = %TRUE
'Run all active events which triggers were fired
'Check now for a keypress
sKey = console_inkeyb
'if the "a" key was pressed, add another trigger
if sKey = "a" then TBEM_AddTrigger(%evtType1)
'if "q" key was pressed, end this script
if sKey = "q" then run = %FALSE
end function
sub SampleFunc()
static count as long
count += 1
console_writeline("Hello from function SampleFunc")
console_writeline("count = " + count)
end sub